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Crazy Windows 7 Firewall problem


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I have a Windows 7 64bit system and I discovered that I am unable to turn off filesharing. The advanced firewall section shows all filesharing options disabled(grayed out) and echo request as well. But I am still able to share with this computer from another computer. Thankfully the password protect still works.

I'm on a domain network but I also removed it from the network to see if that was the problem. All profiles (private, public, domain) are all disabled for filesharing. I reset firewall defaults and restarted computer and service. But still no luck.

There was only one thing I could do, which was "block all incoming connections" but which seemed to work but I have been getting mixed results.

Has anyone ever come across the same issue? This isn't the first time this happened I also came across this during Windows 7 RC testing (I thought it was a bad install). I think there is some serious flaw in Windows 7's firewall.

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It is probably happening as a result of domain policies, if you remove the computer from the domain the policy will still be applied unless redefined, if you redefine the policy and join the computer back to the domain the policy will reapply.

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