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Interesting Pandora Saver issue on 64bit Windows 7


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OK...here's one I think might be of interest...I was at a secure location (they didn't give me internet access) and I was using a Sprint Internet PCMCIA card...I installed/launched Pandora Saver (Windows 7 64Bit) and Pandora Saver started downloading song after song...WITHOUT PLAYING ANY! I captured about 30 song as fast as SProxy would download! In about 10 mins I had 25 songs.... so my question is:

Is this a Windows 7 64bit hole...or going over a cell connect?

I'd love to know....my 64bit machine I had to reload with 32bit (I'm a trainer and needed the 32bit this week)


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OK...here's one I think might be of interest...I was at a secure location (they didn't give me internet access) and I was using a Sprint Internet PCMCIA card...I installed/launched Pandora Saver (Windows 7 64Bit) and Pandora Saver started downloading song after song...WITHOUT PLAYING ANY! I captured about 30 song as fast as SProxy would download! In about 10 mins I had 25 songs.... so my question is:

Is this a Windows 7 64bit hole...or going over a cell connect?

I'd love to know....my 64bit machine I had to reload with 32bit (I'm a trainer and needed the 32bit this week)


What version are you using (legacy or saver2) ? I assume you are using a browser instead of my client to listen, so it's probably flash failing somewhere (no audio driver can cause this i find). If you provide a log it would help me figure out what exactly is going on.

BTW, this exists normally in the form of turbo mode. Maybe you turned that on by accident?


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Wow...I learn something everyday...I've always wondered what "turbo mode" was... I don't think I enable that, as I have a rule...don't switch it on if you don't know what it is...but I could have "fat fingered" it.

I don't have a log, as I had to re-image my machine for this weeks class... as far as what was I using..I just downloaded the standalone version : PandoraSaver_1.008e2.exe. I followed the defaults on installation, and through the switch to queue 250 songs...then sat back...sorry I don't have more info.

Now that I've send turbo mode...I don't think that was it...a song played through the browser...when I opened View songs...there were 5 songs sitting there waiting for me to select download....

Sorry my mistake...I'm using SimpleProxy 1.003d


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Wow...I learn something everyday...I've always wondered what "turbo mode" was... I don't think I enable that, as I have a rule...don't switch it on if you don't know what it is...but I could have "fat fingered" it.

I don't have a log, as I had to re-image my machine for this weeks class... as far as what was I using..I just downloaded the standalone version : PandoraSaver_1.008e2.exe. I followed the defaults on installation, and through the switch to queue 250 songs...then sat back...sorry I don't have more info.

Now that I've send turbo mode...I don't think that was it...a song played through the browser...when I opened View songs...there were 5 songs sitting there waiting for me to select download....

Sorry my mistake...I'm using SimpleProxy 1.003d


Ah, yeah, that's (way) outdated. This was caused by the connection being too slow for pandora. I'd recommend you upgrade to (pandora) saver2 at any rate, as that version is old and unsupported.

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