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Personal Shortened URL Script


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Hi Hak5'ers,

I am definitely a noob when it comes to coding -- I openly admit it. Before you flame me and try to get me to open a PHP book, I need to let you know that I am a teacher and this stuff doesn't come easy for me. I was wondering if someone would be able to help me out.

I want to put a short url script on my site (like Tiny URL). I have found a script called mlurl. This might be a good edition for hak5 too, especially if there are long addresses and they use tinyurl for them.

I have placed the files online at http://drop.io/linkshortener

Here is my issue. The script works great, if you use it in the following format: domain.com/mlurl/shortlink

I want to be able to do this instead: link.domain.com/shortlink. Does anyone have any ideas after looking at the included files? I tried the programmer, but he doesn't respond to my inquiries. I know how to create my subdomain. That isn't the issue. It is getting the script to recognize that it is link.domain.com instead of domain.com/link.

I see potential for this script, but I haven't been able to find anything out there to do what I am looking for.

Thanks for any help that you can provide.


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First off, link.domain.com and domain.com are two seperate sites. They reside in the same domain name, but link.domain.com is a subdomain of domain.com or www.domain.com

You have to create the subdomain, either by way of your hosting company or control panel for your site(If it offerse the ability to make a subdomain)

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First off, link.domain.com and domain.com are two seperate sites. They reside in the same domain name, but link.domain.com is a subdomain of domain.com or www.domain.com

You have to create the subdomain, either by way of your hosting company or control panel for your site(If it offerse the ability to make a subdomain)

Yep, I have done that. link.domain.com resolves appropriately and shows the directory domain.com/link.

I forgot to include that in my original post.

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Well, where do you store the files? Should't your files be stored in the / (Root) directory for the subdomain? and not at /mlurl/

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Well, where do you store the files? Should't your files be stored in the / (Root) directory for the subdomain? and not at /mlurl/

Correct, I store them in the root.... but when I do that, the redirection doesn't work any more. It only brings up the administration page and provides no redirection.

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