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Posts posted by Hushed

  1. Go to programs and open up IDLE. Then go up to file, and then new.

    You can type, and save code there. Remember to add .py to your saved files, otherwise syntax coloring will turn off. IDLE is just where it is interpreted / a place to test code.

    In IDLE you can type:

    a = "Hello World!"
    print a

    It should print Hello World in the IDLE.

    I like this Python Tutorial series

    Python Tutorial

  2. Pro: Lots of fun. Beautiful game. Engaging.

    Con: Its Oblivion with Guns. Dialog is lame. Quest lines are pretty lame. Ending makes no sense. Stats raise too high. Not challenging enough. Not true to original Fallouts.

    Definitely buy it / rent it, even with all its flaws its great.

  3. I prefer XP, only because the system requirements are lower. Though, I use Vista since its the Microsoft Standard.

    There really isn't much wrong with Vista. User Account Control can be disabled, as can many of the other annoying features that come with it. Nearly everything I have can be fixed by running in compatibility mode. I havn't had any problems with running Vista. But maybe im just a lucky one.

  4. Half-Life 2, Team Fortress 2, Civ 4 (Warlords, Beyond the Sword), Bioshock, Diablo, Diablo II LoD, Audiosurf, Guild Wars, Planetside, Star Wars Galaxies Emulation, Morrowind, Oblivion, Magic The Gathering Online III, Medieval II Total War, Sims 2, Godfather The Game, Sim City 4, Sim City Societies, The Movies. I think thats all of them . . . I rarely play alot of them, though.

  5. Windows Daily, Ubuntu Daily.

    Wouldn't call myself either of them. Since most people think of different thing when they think of hacker (Some think of programmer, others of people who maliciously destroy things, people who take apart and put back together things, a scriptkiddie, or a combination of any one of those) you probably won't get a standard answer, since it means differently to everyone then people will describe themselves by what they think is a Hacker. . . If that made sense.

  6. Ive had good experiences with Dell. . . My current laptop (Just bought it this year) is a Vostro 1700 series, and I haven't had a problem with it (sans getting my graphics card optimal with Ubuntu). My max for battery life has been 5 hours when im just surfing the web, editing text files, writing source, etc. When I play a game, it drops down to 3 hours 30 minutes.

    Ive only had two laptops though, one was a crappy Toshiba. . . I wouldn't recomend Tosibha ;)

  7. I think that to be a great game, it needs to be an RPG. Most FPSs don't focus on story, but focus on multiplayer / mechanics / AI / Graphics, while RPGs focus on Story / Graphics / Immersion.

    One of my favorite games is Planetside which is a consistent MMOFPS. It contains some RPG elements, but is mostly a FPS. I also really liked BioShock, which surprised me by jumping ship, and focusing alot on Immersion and Story.

    It really depends in my mood. . I would say both.

  8. Quite a fun game, I would say if you didnt like the old ones, pick this one up. If you were an extremely hardcore fan of the old ones then just have an open mind while playing, as this game deviates alot from the old mechanics, and brings in a more realistic game. The driving is awesomely realistic, hit a tree going 90 and youll fly through the windshield (Wear a seatbelt kids!). Missions are fun, but I can't understand Little Jack ever. The whole girlfriend thing is tedious, in my opinion.

    In my opinion, I like it alot. I think it rates just under Vice City, then San Andreas. Buy it, for sure.

  9. Hey K1u, ive seen you at the SMF boards a while back, hows it going?

    It would be cool to have a compressor built in, something along the lines of WinZip, Winrar, 7zip, etc. I always thought it would be alot better using a text interface, though I don't know how others feel about it.

    a easy way of connecting thru a wireless network card

    I agree with K1u here, its already too easy to do that. It could be a feature, but in my opinion he could be spending the time creating something that is more useful.

    I would scour the bash command list and look for things that catch your eye, if im understanding what your trying to do.

    As for anything else, just look at what you do, and how a command-line prompt could do it faster / more efficient.

  10. Im Hushed, or Nick.  Either one is good.

    I like computers.  I can program, though not very well.  I do my light scripting, and problem solving in Python, and my heavier applications in C++.  I want to move to C# though.  I used to be  unintelligent with Hardware, but Ive learned a few lessons from dealing with it alot in the past few months.  I use Ubuntu Linux, and Windows Vista.  My favorite OS is Damn Small Linux.  I am semi-proficient using the terminal.

    I have owned various websites in the past, all of which you have never heard of: ThinkHab, MyishiCorp, PoorRandy, TechFlavored, and TheHushed.  To this day only one has survived, and that is TheHushed, which is a personal blog/wesite for myself.  I think I am a decent web designer, both code, and graphics wise. 

    I listen to rock, jazz, pop, and lots of other stuff.  I love Ben Folds, and Jamiroquai. 

    Thats me in a nutshell.

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