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Everything posted by Mother

  1. Whoo hoo -----I believe I have it working. I was able to connect to the webif and from there ping google.com. My cell phone connected to the 'internet' ap and was able to get on google. I am going to keep playing with it to fine tune my steps then post what I am doing. Also, I need to learn how the ngrep and URL snarf works. When I was surfing on my phone I didn't see the traffic on the Webif. A far a using SSLStrip do you just run it as normal from terminal? I am trying to replicate what you showed on the CBS video. Thanks again.
  2. Thanks Darren - I'm pretty sure it's just me not getting it right. I will play with it over the weekend and see if I can get it to work. I think I am pretty close.
  3. so it looks like no matter what gw I add it will not forward to the internet. I have tried my.. 1 - wifi router( - I was able to ping and access the webif but cannot ping google.com 2 - wlan0 ( ip address as the gw - Once again, I was able to ping and access the webif but cannot ping google.com I used the wp3.sh script as well as manually enter it. Could it be the hardware I am using like the Netgear USB wifi device? Anyone have a step by step tutorial handy. I know I'm a noob but I do have some understanding of this.
  4. Thanks Darren- I will give that a try. I WILL LEARN!
  5. Thanks I've looked through your post on config a FON and it seems I am doing it the same way as far as network setup is concern. Also, I tried to manually configure it by following .... ifconfig eth0 netmask up echo '1' > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward; iptables -X; iptables -F iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -o eth0 -s -m state –state NEW -j ACCEPT iptables -A FORWARD -m state –state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE $gateway=`netstat -nr | awk `BEGIN {while ($3!=”) getline; print $2}` route del default; route add default gw $gateway wlan0 but I get root@bt:~# $gateway=`netstat -nr | awk `BEGIN {while ( $3!=”) getline; print $2}` bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
  6. Thanks for the reply. I rebooted and made sure that my wlan0 is connected and I can browse the internet. My wlan0 gets an ip of with its gateway When I run ./wp3.sh it ask if I want to use as the gateway. If I say yes then I cannot connect to the web interface.
  7. I just want to make sure I am setting the parameters up correctly for my network. I have a wifi network that has WPA configure. My laptop (Backtrack 5) connects to the wifi via wlan0. My eth0 is connected to the pineapple. When I boot up Backtarck, eth0 always pulls an IP of 192.168.10.x. So I run ./wp3.sh and follow the prompts. Input Pineapple Netmask: Input Pineapple Network: Input Interface between PC and Pineapple: eth0 Input Interface between PC and Internet: wlan0 Input internet gateway: ????????? ----------------Not sure what to add here. I have tried the eth0 ( and wlan0 ( Input IP address of host PC: Input IP address of Pineapple: It configures fine. I can log into the web interface although I do not have internet access from the laptop. I can start Karma and all the other tools fine. From the advance tab I try to ping google.com but just get a blank black screen with the pineapple logo next to it. If I ping it from term I also get network is unreachable. So is my gateway wrong? What should it be? eth0, wlan0, or the wifi router ip? Thanks
  8. Resolved: I was able to resolve the issue by reading some past post. When I ran the update from web interface for some the code didnt get put in right. So I SSH into the device a fixed it manually. Karma started!!
  9. So I have the new Mark III and saw that there was a 1.0.2 update which I applied. It looks lie to took fine but now Karma will not start. Everything else seem to start but Karma. Any ideas?? Thanks
  10. So I just ordered the new pineapple Mark III and was wonder what are the instructions like? I am new to the pineapple but familiar with using BT5 and the various tools in it. From the looks of it in Darren's latest video it is almost plug and play. Is that correct? Are their any other video tutorials out there that show the new MarkIII in use? Thanks
  11. So I have been using BT5 for about a week now in a vmware workstation environment. Everything thing seems to work fine. I have been able to use my usb wifi and crack some of my WPA passwords. Now I and trying to test sslstrip and followed the various tutorials from here as well as the BT forums. The commands work fine...but once I start to start the arpspoof my victim machine as well as my host machine loos internet connectivity. When I stop the arpspoof it returns to normal. What is causing this??? Is it a hardware issue with my host being the router? This is done a 10/100 wired lan. Thanks
  12. Hello all, Here is a newb question from hell! My workstation is sending ICMP type 8 packets out to a network that is no longer there. I can't figure out what service is sending these packets to stop it. Any suggestions on how to determine what is sending out icmp's? Mother
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