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  1. Crap, you put an old man (grandfather) to shame :) It's awesome to see how quickly you can crank out the bits; I code too slow for the intenet age (plus my waterbed sprang a leak Friday!). Interesting your point about sending the authentication via https. I'm encoding the post data like pianobar did so technically it's not clear text but it is going over http and working, so Pandora is capable of receiving both ways with not complaint? I'm planning on bypassing the streaming and pull the mp3 down in its entirety before playing; ah the benifits of a 20Mbit symmetrical fiber connection! This will allow me to know the duration of the song and also allow seeking within the track during playback. I also have not figured out how to get aac but the playlist contains tags for the 128kbps audioURL as well as loFiAudioURL for 64Kbps mp3. Keep up the great work!
  2. Actually I download the whole song before I start playing it so I have the entire stream. I'm not trying to be too fancy just yet, just proof of concept stuff. As for the xml, I do just turn the responses into dictionaries (hashtables) and pull the keys i'm interested in.
  3. I used FMOD to play the audio. It has a c# wrapper so its just the one dll to lug around. I've never used it before but it was trivial to add it and get it working thanks to their good documentation and sample code. I did convert the encrypt/decrypt routines to c#, I could pass those along to you if you'd like. I know they could but I'm wondering if Pandora would screw this all up by changing keys. Anybody know if they've changed keys in the past and if they did do they do it often? I'm a paying subscriber so writing my own player is more an exercise of the brain than anything else especially since I'm not bypassing any ad revenue they would get from my account. I sometimes use the desktop application to listen but I don't like the fact that it does not minimize to the system tray and I can't backtrack and thumbs up/down a song that has already finished playing.
  4. Wow, this lit a fire under my arse. I've written an unpublished stream ripper that works with Pandora radio but I never did like the whole proxy/packet capture architecture (although the work done by others here (go ZZJ!) is way more impressive than anything I've accomplished so far. But looking over the source that Full_Power_Explodes linked to I've cobbled together some experimental C# code to login, retreive the station list, retrieve the first playlist from the first station and play the first song from that list. Talk about your turbo mode! How about grab a playlist, download and save the 4 songs, grab the next playlist, download and save the 4 songs... Repeat until Pandora sends the black helicopters ;) I really just want to replace the resource intensive flash player so my antiquated PC that I stream music with in my lab doesn't max out the CPU playing music while I work.
  5. You didn't trim enough of the header off. Delete the two cr/lf pairs (0d 0a 0d 0a) at the begining of the file and it will play fine. Good luck!
  6. The xml file has the url of each audio track. If you capture for the reponse to the HTTP GET request of that url you will have the mp4 audio file. My (as yet unpublished) capture utility works in a very similar manner as liquidcools but I use a Wireshark library to capture packets. This is my first I've seen Fiddler and I'm liking it. I may rework my program to integrate with fiddler instead as I like it's session based capturing better than having to reconstruct the sessions myself. Thanks liquidcool! As a side note, I've, in the past, steered clear of talking specifics about what I've learned about how the exchange between the browser and pandora happens lest they take notice and obfusticate it beyond use. "But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong."
  7. I can't begin to describe the vast amount and wide range of new music I've discovered listening at Pandora.com. Go here: http://www.savenetradio.org Call or write your Senators and Representatives. Raise your voice or settle for top 40 sheit with DJs spouting endless hours of teenage bathroom humor.
  8. Well I did get some socket based capture code working except that on Windows capturing through sockets appears not to see outgoing packets. Since the xml file containing the upcoming (4) songs to be played is 'POST'ed to Pandora I'm not getting that anymore and the info in that file is the key to correctly identifying all the other traffic. Sadness. So I'm back to using WinPcap so I can get back to feature implementation. Unless somebody smarter than I (almost everybody) can point me in the direction of some socket level capturing that sees outbound traffic. Now to sleep!
  9. Ok, you shamed me into it. I'm working on my own packet capture; I'ma be up all night! Darn you konfoo :) I can always sleep in my office at work tomorrow ;)
  10. Yeah I consided that. Perhaps when the program is finished and solid I'll look into that. Right now I'm working on the polish. I'm currently implementing a thumbs up/down system to indicate whether or not you want to save the song or skip it now and in the future. I'm also going to work on filling out some of the ID3 info (track, genre, year, etc) from freedb or musicbrainz or somewhere. Oh, and I also need some prettier graphics :)
  11. I'm not aware of any platforms other than Windows :shock: Kidding aside, no not at this time. I've been writing Windows code since Windows 1.0 (yes there really was a 1.0) and you know... old dog and all.
  12. http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg175/SavePandora/SavePandora.jpg[/img] I've been playing around with writing my own timeshifters. I have a working proof of concept (pictured above) that I plan to polish up. And not all of my intended features are working yet. I'm just playing around right now. Here is a big question? Would you be willing to install a packet sniffer (WinPCap) on your machine to be able to save properly tagged (with embedded album art) mp3s using a small, stable and easy to use program?
  13. I am an Anonymous Coward. Therefore no personal information, wait. . . I like red! Now you know a bit about me. :???: Soon I will announce my Pandora timeshifting application, soon.
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