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Posts posted by NanoyMaster

  1. heres my phukducky.. designed to be modular, and capable of doing a lot.

    hopefully easy code to read

    if you create any modules/snipits or have inprovements please chuck me an email

    I will hopefully be updating this soon,

    literally got my teensy 12 hrs ago and made this

    also soldered on a dip switch to pins 14 - 21 (analog)

    this will perform 1 module at a time but capable of doing up to 128 :S .. early.. math bad

    if you have any questions, please post them below

    void setup() {  
       pinMode(11, OUTPUT);  
       pinMode(14, INPUT_PULLUP);   // Dip - debug switch
       pinMode(15, INPUT_PULLUP);   // Dip  
       pinMode(16, INPUT_PULLUP);   // Dip  
       pinMode(17, INPUT_PULLUP);   // Dip  
       pinMode(18, INPUT_PULLUP);   // Dip  
       pinMode(19, INPUT_PULLUP);   // Dip  
       pinMode(20, INPUT_PULLUP);   // Dip  
       pinMode(21, INPUT_PULLUP);   // Dip
    void loop(){  
    int pin_struct[] = { 0, 200, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 };
    int multiplier = 0;
    int binary = 0;
    char* description[500];
    description[0] = "\r-----end-----\r"
     "Phukducky 1.0 By NanoyMaster\r"
     "For help/support/documentation Please visit http://www.nanoy.org\r"
     "Designed to be Modular and Easy.\r"
     "Feel free to email nanoymaster[at]gmail[dot]com";
    description[1] = "CrazyMouse - moves and clicks mouse randomly\r";
    description[2] = "end"; // need to keep the last one as "end" 
       for(int thispin=14; thispin < 22;thispin++){ // get the binary value (including debug bit)
             digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
             multiplier = thispin - 13;
             binary = binary + (1 * pin_struct[multiplier]);
       if(binary >= 200 ){ // if debuging enabled then run debug
          Keyboard.print("\rDIP Binary = "); Keyboard.print(binary - 200); 
             for(int debugno=1; debugno <=129; debugno++){
                if(description[debugno] != "end"){
                   Keyboard.print(debugno); Keyboard.print(") ");
    // main program functions go here
       if(binary == 1){
          Mouse.move(random(-100, 100) ,random(-100, 100) );
    // end main functions 
    void die(){ // failsafe... if you need to exit the main loop, or just want to run once
          digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); 
          digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); 

    as you can see you just have to add modules under main functions and add the description in the descriptions section.

  2. Hi even tho I said in my previous thread that I had given up from using ettercap in vista I havn't >.<


    but I was wondering if anyone has gotten minGW to work on vista and if they had a guide on how to get a program ie. test.c (http://www.zonic.co.uk/products/mingw/files/test.c)

    to compile.. can't find a tutorial or guide anywhere?!?!?

    I thought it installed gcc

    but no luck doing the following from command line:

    >gcc test.c -o test.exe

    >mingw test.c -o test.exe

    >mingw32-make test.c


    always getting the "whatever is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file"

    either it's not installed properly (because thats how I thought it worked) or I don't know how to use it?

    I hope someone can help

    cheers, for at least reading :D

    *edit/update* fixed, can now compile test.c using MSYS.. now just to get that to work with mingw *end edit/update*

    epic wewts

  3. yea, kind of the awnser I expected :P no-one seems to know why, I would really rather I could get it to work in windows rather than linux. (plz don't start OS war b/s here)

    think it might be a problem with the way it was compiled, not letting it run properly with winpcap. but this is just a guess, since the proggy loads, just dies when loading a device (ie the trying to work winpcap) yet everything else works with pcap (cam mitm with cain)

    well I guess it's just not possable to manipulate packets on the fly (as explained in previous post, irongeek example)

    I admit defeat here

    thanks anyway people

  4. What is the wireless card in your laptop? Could something be interfering with it, like firewall software or something? is the right card selected? Could be any number of things, but without more details we can only speculate as to the problem.

    no firewall could be interfering that I know of.

    not sure if the right card is selected, but tried all of the available options none of which worked (just crashed the program)

    the wireless card is the default in the the sony vaio tz (it works in promiscuous mode in linux) uhmm not sure what else to say about the card. every other sniffer that uses winpcap works with it.. if that helps?

    anything else I can give you that could help, I'll try to find out.

  5. yea thats what I am trying to do on my laptop,

    I can get it to work on my PC

    but can't even get ettercap to work on the laptop... not sure what the problem is to be honest, (ettercap or winpcap)

    probably ettercap thinking about it since other winPcap using programs work

    but when I try to load the network interface (first step) it crashes with "ettercap sniffer has stoped working" and then it closes

  6. what I am trying to do:

    manipulate packets "on the fly" from my laptop

    eg. if someone visits google (or any other site) it will automaticly replace the images to something of my choice

    so far:

    on my laptop I can use Wireshark, cain & abel and various other winpcap using sniffers

    (the arp spoofing even works with wireless in cain)

    however I can't get ettercap to work. trying to use ettercapNG-0.7.3 on a vista laptop (sony vaio tz)

    I have tryed using various winpcap versions and none of them seem to help.

    on my PC (windows xp) I manage to get everything working including ettercapNG-0.7.3 with the ability to modify packets.

    if anyone has any ideas or tips or tutorials (have read hundreds) I would greatly appreciate it

    and you you would like any other information that I might have missed just let me know what you would like that might help

    thanks in advance

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