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Posts posted by brainfreeze

  1. Me? I'm voting for Obama, hardcore. And my house is throwing a party on Tuesday night for his victory. :)

    Ha, we're doing the same. And I'm in Ireland, not even America.

    I've taken Wednesday off work to drink Tuesday night away in hope of an Obama victory. Obama will be announced president early Wednesday morning our time, so no point in going to work hung over.

  2. I'm having a similar problem with the config file, but this is for the ipw2100.

    I've no idea what the interface name should be.


    edit: eth1

    Sorry, I'm not sure what your config should be for that hardware. I'll have to defer you to the Kismet documentation and forums. If anyone here knows please chime in. The bummer about these monthly releases is that by the time you guys see the episode I'm off working on a project for the next show. Anyway, these should help:








    cheers D, it turned out to be eth1.

  3. by just glancing over the code, a random string generator.

    Two things i noticed immediately, "C:DEFINEPATHWORDLISTFTW.txt"  should be changed to just "WORDLISTFTW.txt", so it writes out the file to wherever the actual binary is ran. This stops the user having to edit the actual source and compile it themselfs to work correctly on their own machine. The fact that you have an OS specific directory hard coded into it straight away removes any portability.

    An even better way is asking for user input to what directory it is stored in.

    The other thing i noticed was  system("PAUSE"); near the end of your program.

    Not only is this OS specific also and will only then run on a windows machine, its unnecessary and not very light on the resources. You should never call an OS command unless its really needed and if there is no other way around it. Instead just make your app ask for user input, any input, then after that do nothing, "return 0;". Thats the exact same thing without the need to go outside your own program. cin.get(); for example.

    As far as i can see without a system call you can now also remove cstdlib from your headers.

    I hope this was some help.

    edit: forget the statement about removing cstdlib, you'll need that for rand();

  4. Ok, i added the proxy search in advanced and stuck up the source code about half n hour ago. The two files that do all the work is home.php and advanced.php, the rest are static html pages. I guarantee there is some bad spelling in there somewhere so i apologize.

    If there is something you think should be and could be done better, then by all means make a better version! So for the people that want it, play with it, make your own version, or even add to it. :). If you want to see some sort of feature you'd like on it, tell me and i'll add it. If you want to add your own code to it, email it to me and i'll stick it up, and then i'll update the download links with your name commented in the code.

    I did have it writing to a mysql database saving the search query and the ip of the user, but i took that out for two reasons. One it was slowing it down when alot of users are using it. And another reason is if a man in a suit representing a certain organization was convinced people where using this to download copyrighted material, and demanded to see who was searching what, i can't tell them what i don't actually know. Unlikely but still probable.

    If you do stick that in, you could also add some cool features with the google maps api, such as showing what was the most searched for items in a certain country/area/region.

    I was thinking of plugging in the youtube api into the video section, so the results are displayed down the middle, and 5 or so youtube videos relating to that search are present on the right hand side. However im not so sure it would fit in.

    here it as a tar.gz, or a .rar - whatever floats your boat.

    As you'll see its not complicated at all, its very basic.



  5. Some dorks I have found for finding open proxies.




    This method is actually more effective - inurl:”pr0xy", looks like people like making the o a 0.



    I'll add a proxy search for askgeesus in the advanced section shortly then post the source code of the entire site straight after, i've been lazy and keep putting it back but i'll get it done now.

  6. Brilliant imo.

    Lots of modding (with a touch of voyeurism), cell phone hacking, and my personal favorite, networking. People can disagree, but to me this episode is classic hak5.

    The type of episode that after watching, i feel inspired to go play with stuff. (nerd stuff, not my penis).

  7. The Guitar modding was awesome. I have to admit though, Ubuntu studio is awesome for audio creating/editing. Even the virtual drum machine (hydrogen) is done really well. However the video editing software is extremely below par.

    Nice episode, however i did notice something shocking on matt's xbox streaming segment.


  8. Hello, I was wondering where to get the best free email bombers. I got email bombed last week on my server and I'm trying to test my server email today. It sucks cause I got a DOS.  :sad:

    There are plenty of skiddy mailbomber apps on the net out there, but i wouldn't trust them if i where you. I'm going to assume you are  telling the truth and you are an honest user with a honest problem.

    As i said, you could google and find a mail bomber program, but since the majority of these are made by malicious retards, you can bet very highly that you will be downloading some sort of trojan.

    Ok, you are going to need three things.

    The server that hosts your email account (you already have that)

    A mail server (on another computer you own).

    A mail client that will send multiple mails  (we'll make that so you don't have to grab one made by a Mr Dodgy McDogerson).

    with the above 3, you will be able to test your server because email works like this:

    [mailclient] -----> [mail-server] ------> [destination]


    Ok first things first, lets get you a mail server. If you use linux, chances are that you already have a mail server installed and you only have to turn it on. If you use windows, go to downloads.com and type in 'smtp' and find a free one with an easy set up GUI or something. Now make sure the mail server supports 'SMTP', because thats the protocol i am going to be discussing below.

    Now, a quick introduction into SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. SMTP has been around since 1982, and yet its still one of the most widley used protocols in sending email around networks such as the internet. Don't worry, SMTP is very easy to get your head around!

    Once you install your mail server, port 25 will be open on the machine you installed it on. So to test this, on that machine connect to port 25 with a plain text sending client such as telnet. "telnet 25" - You should get some welcome message that will be along the lines of the mail servers name, the host its on, and its version number. Ok no to the actual protocols you will need to know to send email from it. The first protocol is 'helo' - yes one if my memory serves me correct. This is telling the mail server literly "hello". You are identifying yourself, and of course, the mail server will say something back. Also "MAIL FROM:" is the protocol used to define the sending email address. "RCPT TO:" is who the recipitent is. "SUBJECT:" is for the subject, and "DATA" starts the message. "." on a single line by itself ends the message. Thats it! Thats all the SMTP protocols you need to know to do this.

    If you want to read up on SMTP indepth please read this: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc0821.txt

    So to send a mail from a mailserver to an email address, you send the following:

    MAIL FROM: youremailaddress@email.com
    RCPT TO: someone@someone.com
    SUBJECT: mail test
    hello this is an test email  from Decemberunderground.
    Please do not reply

    You can manually type this into to mailserver via telnet if you want to test that the mail server actually sends mail. Now the next thing to do is to send this multiple times to your email account to test how it will stand up to another mail bombing. For this we will write our own cleint, which will basically send the information above, in a loop  x amount of times. The reason im getting you to write it yourself is as i've said twice in this post already, don't trust random mail bombers on the internet.

    /* STMP mail bomber 
    import java.net.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class mailbomb{
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
            /* below are the vars for the mail server address
              the port it uses (25) and the email address that you want 
              to mass mail */    
        String server = ""; 
               int port = 25;  
        String rcpt = "youremail@email.com";    
            Socket socket = new Socket(server,port);
        BufferedReader inputStream =
                                   new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
        PrintWriter outputStream =
                                 new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(
            /* the code below sends an email to 'rcpt' 100 times
               you can change that by editing the i<100 line */
        for ( int i=0; i<100; i++ )
             outputStream.println("MAIL FROM: test@test.com");
             outputStream.println("RCPT TO:"+rcpt);
                 outputStream.println("SUBJECT: whats the story morning glory");
                 outputStream.println("Darren and Wess - Razor and Blade?");
    socket.close(); //Close the socket

    You can also use inputStream to read the input from the mail server if you want. That is extreamly simple code in java that i just wrote there, i havn't tested it or anything and you may have to change the lines in the for loop if your mail server requires anything else.

    It would be best to do this on a LAN rather than a WAN facing box, given that you don't want to add to internet pollution.

    Vako makes a very good point, i suggest you do this over a LAN rather than the net, as the amount of traffic you send could have adverse effects on random machines your info is being routed through to get to the destination. Just like the evil bastard did to you when you got mailed bombed, you could do the same thing to someone else by accident.

    Also im assuming you actually own the server as in your post you said 'my server'. However If this is just an website/email account you got off a hosting provider DO NOT DO THIS. Chances are there are other users with different email and website accounts on the same server. Even if you have a server dedicated to you, i would ask them permission before mail bombing a machine on their network.

    Hope this helps dude! Atleast the postives of getting mail bombed was that you now got to learn how mail servers and clients works :).


  9. I'm mostly known as Jahova, or Jah.  Brainfreeze is actually the name of my desktop, but i respond to that also.

    Favourite game: Super Mario Brothers 3

    Favourite OS: Slackware, but ubuntu is growing on me very fast.

    Favourite console: NES/Wii

    Nationality: Irish

    Sex: Male

    Age: N/A

    Race:? Considering Irish isn't a race, i'd say.. Caucasian.

    Height: 5'11" ish

    Status: Amazing

    Build: Normal

    Favourite Music: Muse/DJ Shadow/Orbital/Chemical Brothers/Radiohead/Prodigy/Air/Makaveli

    Favourite book: Essential Commands - Linux Pocket guide  (very handy)

    Favourite author:

    Favourite movie: Leon

    Favourite director: Kevin Smith

    Favourite TV Show: The Sopranos

    Favourite actor: Edward Norton

    Favourite actress: Natalie Portman

    Favourite Pinup: Jenna Haze

    Favourite Comedian: Ask a ninja

    Other hobbies: Coding, amateur animation.

  10. I wonder how you can edit the identity objects in Evolution.

    For now the only way I was able to do that is to hexedit  the class files inside the

    c:Program FilesPatervaEvolutionpaterva_ic3visualizermodulesextEvolution_Core. jar

    This works , but I have only tried replacing with similar string length.

    Will be trying to see what will happen if I make the string shorter or longer and whether the program will keep working after that :)

    I havn't played with evolution yet as i use linux, and can't get hold of the unix version yet,so i can only assume about the programs actual make up. But if its a .jar file, why are you hex editing?

    Its Java!!

    Just decompile it, and edit the source.

    edit: unless that is for whatever reason impossible, and thats why you are using a hex editor.

  11. Java and Javascript are completely different languages. Contray to popular belife, they have nothing to do with each other, other than a similar name. Nothing.  Although sun now own both.  Javascript is not a scripting version of Java like one would expect due to the name. Its not like VB and VBscript. They are different languages in their own right.

    This is the code for tic tac toe in java:


    Its using awt for the GUI

    And here it is in java script:


  12. Great episode, mubix segment was awesome. The router mod would of also came in handy if i knew that a year ago, mates where running power cables up the attic for that exact reason.

    Looking forward to playing with evolution, does anyone have the unix version uploaded anywhere?

  13. Sorry for the late replies guys. I got distracted with what i was trying to achieve with Apache, and bought a Nintendo wii. Since then I've been messing around with the remote.

    I'll try out some of the above ideas and, especially the Apache users as that looks the most promising.

    I'll get back to shortly.


  14. I think this is what you ment. "you are not allowed to create write to additionalfiles , or to the registry . But you can write to yourself (the program) right? Thats not breaking the rules is it? A program that re-programs itself. If its not breaking the rules, then here is a solution in php.


    $cent = "false";
        if($cent == "false")
          echo "string 1";
            $lines = file('hak5.php');
                $myFile = "hak5.php";
                $fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file");
                $i = 0;
            foreach ($lines as $line)
                  $i += 1; 
            $lines[1] = '$cent = "true";';    
                for ( $counter = 0; $counter <= $i; $counter +=1) 
                    fwrite($fh, $lines[$counter]);
        if($cent == "true")
            echo "string 2";
            // two coins add up too 21cent
            // one of them isn't 1cent
            // thats what this challenge reminds me of! :)
            // sorry for the bad code - im sure it can be done in alot less lines.

    After this is executed, it will never return to display "string 1", as the second line in the code has been changed to 'true'. It can only revert back to "string 1" is someone opens the source up with a text editor and changes it back.

  15. Hey, thanks for the reply.

    By syntax im assuming your talking about the command rather than the php itself?

    "xmms --play /home/brainfreeze/air.m3u" is valid syntax as it works perfectly when i type it into a shell.

    To answer your question, when i leave out the ()'s, the result is still the same. xmms (or any other application i've tried so far) doesn't launch. But yet basic commands such as 'ls' etc still do.

    Thanks in advance

  16. Hey everyone, great site.  I can't belive its taken me this long to sign up.

    This being my first post and everything, yet the first thing i do is ask a question may be a bit cheeky, but it has to be done! Maybe someone can help.

    In some of the episodes i've noticed the lads run commands on windows boxes running apache and php.  Things like turning on winamp etc.

    Now i have a linux box with php and apache installed, and i figured the system command would be fairly similar, but it doesn't seem to want to run any program i ask it too.

    For example i have:

            if($_GET['music'] == "sexy")
            system("(xmms --play /home/brainfreeze/air.m3u) > null");
            echo "playing -- please wait";    
    <a href="test.php?music=sexy">sexy</a>

    yet xmms will not run, even if i use system("xmms"); or system("xmms --play /home/brainfreeze/air. m3u");

    however if i do system("ls"); it has no problem displaying me the output, so atleast i know something is being sent to the command line.

    What am i doing wrong? Its really boggling my php-noob head.  :(

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