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Posts posted by jrwcmj

  1. install firefox and a child resicor add on such as kidzui or any like that i forgot the over one if you live the uk get webuser it has a guide who to set up kidzui it only cost £2.99 and it has lots of apps listed that are free

  2. thank can you look at this code for me

    Public iTotalpoints As Integer

    Public iLivesleft As Integer

    Private Sub endofgame()

    Lbltotalpoints.FontSize = 24

    Lbltotalpoints.ForeColor = vbRed

    Lbltotalpoints.BackColor = vbYellow

    Lbltotalpoints.FontBold = True

    Lbltotalpoints.Caption = "congratulations you scored:" & iTotalpoints & " points "

    If iLivesleft >= 0 Then

    Lbllivesleft.Caption " lives left = " & iLivesleft


    Exit Sub

    End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub cmdEndClick()

    ' end the game by telling telling them what they could have won.

    Call endofgame


    End Sub

    Private Sub Cmdgo_Click()

    Dim iSkillSpeed As Integer

    If iLivesleft = 0 Then

    MsgBox "game over", vbInformation, "targets game "

    Cmdreset.Visible = True


    'pass the function to control the speed of the target

    iSkillSpeed = 5

    iskillnumber = iSkillSpeed

    skilllevel (iskillnumber)

    cmd.visable = False

    iLivesleft = iLivesleft - 1

    Lbllivesleft.Caption = "livesleft = " & iLivesleft

    If iTotalpoints <= 10 Then

    'end game

    cmdend.Visible = True

    Call endofgame

    End If

    Image1.Left = 11040

    cmdend.Visible = True

    End If

    Lbltotalpoints.Caption = " total points = " & iTotalpoints

    End Sub

    Private Sub Cmdreset_Click()

    Call reset_game

    End Sub

    Private Sub reset_game()

    imageleft = 11040

    cmdend = True

    iTotalpoints = 0

    iLivesleft = 3

    Lbllivesleft.Caption = "lives left = " & iLivesleft

    Lbltotalpoints.Caption = "total points = " & iTotalpoints

    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Load()

    Call reset_game

    Frmtargets.BackColor = vbBlack

    Lbltotalpoints.FontSize = 24

    Lbltotalpoints.ForeColor = vbBlue

    Lbltotalpoints.BackColor = vbWhite

    Lbltotalpoints.Alignment = vbCenter

    Lbltotalpoints.FontBold = True

    Lbllivesleft.FontSize = 24

    Lbllivesleft.ForeColor = vbBlue

    Lbllivesleft.BackColor = vbWhite

    Lbllivesleft.Alignment = vbCenter

    Lbllivesleft.FontBold = True

    cmdend.Visible = False

    Cmdreset.Visible = True

    End Sub

    Private Sub Image1_mousedown(button As Integer, shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

    iTotalpoints = iTotalpoints + 1

    MsgBox "you scrored another point, your total points are: & itotalpoints"

    Lbltotalpoints.Caption = "total point = " & iTotalpoints

    End Sub

    Private Function skilllevel(iskillnumber)

    Dim iSkillSpeed As Single

    If Option1 = True Then

    iSkillSpeed = 1

    ElseIf Option2 = True Then

    iSkillSpeed = 1.3

    ElseIf Option3 = True Then

    iSkillSpeed = 5

    End If


    For x = 1 To iskillnumber '10000

    Image1.Left = Image1.Left - skillspeed


    Next x

    Loop Until Image1.Left < 10

    End Function

  3. thanks here's what the code looks like now:

    Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click()

    Dim sngLength As Single

    Dim sngWidth As Single

    Dim sngArea As Single

    Dim sngPrice As Single

    Dim sngUnderlay As Single

    Dim sngFitting As Single

    Dim sngTotal As Single

    sngLength = txtLength

    sngWidth = txtWidth

    sngArea = sngLength * sngWidth

    If cboTypeOfUnderlay = "Economy" Then

        sngUnderlay = sngArea * 1.75

    ElseIf cboTypeOfUnderlay = "Luxury" Then

        sngUnderlay = sngArea * 2.15

    End If

    sngPrice = txtPricePerSqMetre

    sngFitting = sngArea * 2.5

    sngTotal = (sngArea * sngPrice) + sngFitting + sngUnderlay

    'Use the FORMAT function to change the final value into currency

    txtTotalCosts.Text = Format(sngTotal, "currency")

    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Load()

    cboTypeOfUnderlay.AddItem "Economy"

    cboTypeOfUnderlay.AddItem "Luxury"

    i what to add an exit button but i don't know how to do it can you help me

  4. whats wrong with my code here it is

    Dim sngLength As Single
    Dim sngWidth As Single
    Dim sngArea As Single
    Dim sngPrice As Single
    Dim sngUnderlay As Single
    Dim sngFitting As Single
    Dim sngTotal As Single
    Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click()
    sngLength = txtLength
    sngWidth = txtWidth
    sngArea = sngLength * sngWidth
    If cboTypeOfUnderlay = "Economy" Then
        sngUnderlay = sngArea * 1.75
    If cboTypeOfUnderlay = "Luxury" Then
        sngUnderlay = sngArea * 2.15
    End If
    sngPrice = txtPricePerSqMetre
    sngFitting = sngArea * 2.5
    sngTotal = (sngArea * sngPrice) + Fitting + Underlay
    'Use the FORMAT function to change the final value into currency
    txtTotalCosts = Format(sngTotal, "currency")
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Load()
    cboTypeOfUnderlay.AddItem "Economy"
    cboTypeOfUnderlay.AddItem "Luxury"
    End Sub

  5. pobely is but i can not run my portable apps which is the most annoying thing as i like using firefox epically with the plugins i have and i like ircing but they don't like you using chat rooms even in your break which is the most annoying i am an adult am safe what do you think i am going to try to do cheat come on what chat rooms out there will help you do your assignments come on we are responsible come on it's a collage you are not going to have a bandwith limit lighten up

  6. i was wondering is there a way i could have a server act as my connection to the internet so blocked  websites i can view without changeing proxy's because i do not have access to the settings in internet explorer at collage i was thinking about useing a webpage  like anomamouse exsept i what my own server so that it loads faster will this work and how would i set the up and what would the best type of server and os would be best?

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