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Posts posted by ls

  1. Your code probably worked, it printed "hello world" and closed immediately

    try something like this:

    print "hello, world"


    this will print hello world and when you press enter it will close

  2. As LoftRat mentioned, DVL.

    Also, what's the problem with reinventing the wheel? (fuck, is this the most overused cliché on forums or what?)

    I mean, do you like using Linux? Linux is (as you say) a reinvention of the wheel...


    he has a good point here, if no one would start developing a new linux distro because there are already hundreds of them then we probably wouldn't have had ubuntu or eeebuntu or ....

    and for more tools :



    -thc amap


    -tor /privoxy


    and since you are going to build it on top of ubuntu, you may want to check here:


  3. you are using python 3000, there are a lot of chages and old code is probably not compatible

    i've tested it on python 2.5 and it worked.

    I don't have any experience with python 3000 but it may be worth to try this:

    s.send(str('NICK '+NICK+'n'))

  4. according to this, netstumbler does not work with wine

    nor does cain and abel : http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?...on&iId=6640

    i would include

    -foremost,photorec,autopsy,thesleuthkit for forensics

    -bkhive and samdump




    - and ofcourse scapy so you can make your own sniffers and tools in python

    a list with all the tools in backtrack 2 is here: http://securitydistro.com/distroinfo/4/Bac...2-Tool-List.php

  5. There is nothing wrong with ubuntu, it's easy enough to do daily your daily tasks and you are still able to do the hardcore linux stuff

    and wireshark is available for ubuntu, just run sudo apt-get install wireshark

  6. well i just think about a program i would like to make and then search google for information

    i started with this : http://hetland.org/writing/instant-hacking.html

    and for internet and networking this : http://www.amk.ca/python/howto/sockets/

    a lot of information can be found in the python docs : http://www.python.org/doc/2.5.2/

    feel free to PM me with questions, I will try to answer them the best I can

  7. here is it in python

    # ls 
    # 2008-11-05
    import socket,sys,time
    port = input("port : ")
    url = raw_input("redirect to : ")
    s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
    print "[-] started listener on port ",port
    connectionsfile = open("connections.txt",'a')
    newline = """
    def pscan(ip):
        print "[-] started portscan for "+ip 
        for port in range(20,2000):
            sockfd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
            con = sockfd.connect_ex((ip , port))
            if con == 0:
                print "[",ip,"] port ",port , " is open"
    html1 = '<html><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url='
    html2 = url
    html3 = '"></html>'
    html = html1+html2+html3
    while 1:
            (fd, addr)=s.accept()
            (ip,port) = addr
            print "[-] got connection from "+ip
            connectionsfile.write((str(time.asctime(time.localtime()))+" : "+ip))
        except KeyboardInterrupt:

    it listens to the specified port, writes the connections to a file <connections.txt> then starts a portscan on the client and shows the open ports

  8. This oddly reminds me of this thing called SCILA in a show called Prison Break on FOX. Huh weird. Oh and the thing in the tv show stool information from electronic devices.

    Yes i had the same idea, like what !!!?? does that really exists ?

    and about canvas, I've used it in the past and it's really not worth the money

    it is on bittorent but it's not even worth the download

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