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Everything posted by Employee

  1. Employee

    I'm new...

    How can I setup a web server? mainly for free.
  2. Really Sparda are you sure your names not rob? I mean you look so much like him!
  3. Try it VaKo, set your acounts password to and see how long it takes to crack ^^ Hahaha than we come back to this thread 7 years later.... "Hey guys, well the cracking was unsuccessful. So put a £ in and you won't be cracked!" I would really laugh if something happend like this.
  4. have more than 6 characters and have numbers and letters
  5. Employee

    I'm new...

    Still very confused but ok. I have a new question now. I started coding a website, I have this really old computer sitting out side my room and I was wondering how would I go about making this into a 'server' to run a website off of? (Not many people would be going to it)
  6. Proxy. There are a lot of them. A short list I will provide I Guess. www.daveproxy.co.uk www.ctunnel.com http://www.hidemyass.com/ http://www.proxert.com/ http://www.pagewash.com/ http://www.prx1.com/ http://www.freepr0xy.com/ http://www.freeproxysite.com/ http://blockmy.info/ http://www.alienproxy.com/ http://ipbouncer.be/ http://www.sweetproxy.com/ http://www.hidemytracks.net/ http://www.proxyslash.com/ http://www.unbloxy.com/ http://www.studentproxy.com/ http://www.anonymate.com/ http://www.spysurfing.com/ http://www.proxert.com/ http://www.finderly.net/Proxy/ http://www.sitesneak.com/ http://www.proxy-surf.net/ http://www.freevideocodes.us/ http://freeschool.be/ http://proxypop.com/ http://www.proxyed.blogiseverything.com/ http://kungfuproxy.com/ http://itracks.net/ http://www.teenproxy.com/ http://www.proxywhip.com/ http://www.myspaceproxy.com/ http://www.goproxy.org/ http://www.traceless.com/ http://demonproxy.com/ http://proxypop.com/ http://www.nomorelimits.net/ http://www.skipthrough.com/ http://hideyour.info/ http://www.letmeby.com/ http://www.browseany.com/ http://www.finderly.net/Proxy/ http://www.proxy-sock.com/index.php http://www.anotherproxy.com/ http://www.proxyindex.com/ http://boredatschool.net/ http://www.proxypowered.com/ http://www.proxyprince.com/ http://www.rapidproxy.com/ http://www.ukproxy.com/ http://www.worldwideproxy.com/ http://www.thecgiproxy.com/ http://www.proxyguy.com/ http://www.freeproxy.us/ http://www.neoproxy.net/ http://www.thecgiproxy.com/ http://theproxy.info/ http://www.75i.net/ http://www.prx1.com/ http://www.proxyfoxy.com/ http://3proxy.com/index.pl http://www.proxyhero.com/ http://indianproxy.com/ http://www.dzzt.com/ http://www.theproxy.be/ http://www.proxytastic.com/ http://www.browseatschool.net/ http://www.msnvip.com/ http://www.proxydrop.com/ http://www.worldwideproxy.com/ http://www.pimpmyip.com/ http://www.ohmyproxy.com/ http://www.proxyz.be/ http://browsingatwork.com/ http://www.proxy7.com/ http://www.sneakyuser.com/ http://www.browseatwork.com/ http://www.perception-media.net/jd/ http://www.v3gamer.com/proxy/ http://www.light.ukproxy.com/ http://www.browseatwork.net/ http://www.proxysurfing.net/ http://www.anotherproxy.com/ http://www.letsproxy.com/ http://www.ajitk.com/proxy/ http://www.worldwideproxy.com/ http://collegepie.com/proxy/ http://xanproxy.be/ http://proxy.iraqigeek.com/ http://www.gobyproxy.com/ http://www.betaproxy.com/ http://www.proxytastic.com/ http://anonymousproxy.us/ http://mvpzero.net/load/ http://www.zhaodaola.org/web/ http://www.ineedproxy.com/ http://www.fawazghali.com/proxy/ http://geoepker.hu/freeproxy/ http://fartpeepee.com/ http://whos-blazin.org/proxy/ http://farzaaad.blogfa.com/ http://www.logatic.co.uk/igoaround/ http://www.vimtoo.com/pro/ http://u2l.be/proxy.php http://www.247proxy.com/ http://www.nimnim.ir/anti/ http://ali198.persianblog.com/ http://dnszone.com.ru/proxy-online/Index.php http://hujiko.com/ https://proxify.com/ www.thedesignerslounge.net/bypass.html http://pooling.info/ EDIT: I will update this later with more so you guys can just have a long list I guess. I'm going to bed its late and I just got back from camping Night everyone.
  7. Employee

    I'm new...

    And I seirously wish I knew what you were talking about, can you explain briefly, so I know next time anyone says something complicated?
  8. I'm a fourteen year old who fucked up. http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=776 so I'm trying to go down the right path this time.
  9. Oh all I need to know is how to verify, not gather.
  10. So am I going to need some type of account to verify these numbers? Becuase if so I guess I have to tell the guy he would need to set it up for long term.
  11. Employee

    I'm new...

    So, would their be a way to drag an antenna to a longer range? Or is there a way to 'attract' signal to a spot? (agian sorry for being ignorant on this topic)
  12. Does it matter if it is just going to be numbers and not using the magnetic stripe?
  13. Employee

    I'm new...

    Ok let me start by saying my problem. Well where I live in northern virginia there are a lot of hills. So I'm at the bottom of a 'valley' in between two hills. I have a lan line phone and a cell phone. My cell phone gets barely if any signal in my room; it gets a little signal upstairs though. I was wondering if there was a way to set up maybe a dish that would collect signal and than transfer it down too my room and some how spread it. Is this possible or am I just insane? (Note I use this thread so I don't make massive amounts of topics and flood the room)
  14. Ok, thank you. I'm going to google to see if I can find the way he did it too me.
  15. I guess? I used the client that is for windows 98 because Trillion or what ever its name is is too hard to use and looks dumb.
  16. Ok, know I don't want to see completely ignorant but is it possible for some one too temporarly hack your computer? 5/23 I was on AIM and I pissed off my friend. So what he did was went and got his friend who knows how to 'hack'. I do not know if he is a 'script kiddie' or uses his own materials. So what happend was some how or another he got into my computer restarted it, than when it turned on agian it restarted agian (Noting AIM was not started). So now I'm just confused, how could this happen?
  17. Falls Church Virginia eh I'm inbetween too computer centers so eh I'm happy :D
  18. The one that isnt a nickle is a quater? and the other one is a nickle?
  19. I may be really far off here, but I'm gonna say a nipple. Nope but you are close.....
  20. Hahaha this one made me laugh. What is purple/pink at the end and shoots a yogurt substance? (Not very hard at all took me 2 seconds)
  21. Employee

    I'm new...

    Which one would you suggjest would be the easiest switch from windows to linux?
  22. Me? I think so..... (note picture was taken after a long night)
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