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Everything posted by 3141592653589793238462643

  1. purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfect!!!!!!! Thanks! I'm trying to grab everything I can before the new internet radio fees shut them down. ;)
  2. Thanks Razor I changed it to Shockwave Flash 9.0 d55 but it still gives me a flash version error, any other sugestions? Your exe was working for me until yesterday.
  3. Hmm, pandora's jar stopped working for me today, I'm getting an 'upgrade your flash player' error even though my pluginreg file still says Shockwave Flash 9.0.21 d55. Anyone else have this problem?
  4. Thanks Razor! Editing the .js and .html files didn't but maybe I didn't have the latest jars, anyway your installer worked for me. A couple things: I didn't need to follow any of the instructions in the installer because I'm using the flash switcher plugin as mentioned in a comment in the noob guide. Instead I just use flash 8.0 r24 and load pandora's jar, then when pandora gives me a flash error I right click, Show Only This Frame, then hit back and it loads. I already have port 80 taken (apache) so the exe didn't work for me. I just edited the bat that came with the installer though and hard coded a different port number (changed %1 to 8085) and it works. BTW the cd and start firefox lines are unnecessary, because pandora's jar loads firefox anyway. Just a note to the forum admin, my registration link got corrupted so I couldn't activate my account at first, the quoted-printable gunk was messing up the link, but luckily I'm a hax0r (lol) so I just replaced all the =3D s in the link with = and it worked. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -edit- Ok jeez...Nevermind about flash switcher and the View only this frame trick. It worked at first but then after 15 mins pandora gave me the flash version error again...It's done this before but now the right click trick doesn't work anymore, even after restarting firefox and pandora's jar. So, I disabled flash switcher, uninstalled flash 9, installed flash 8, hacked pluginreg.dat, and now it's working again. BTW if you need to find those instructions from the installer again they're in txt1.txt.
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