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Everything posted by skyman377

  1. Hey guys so whenever I go to into monitor mode with my USB wifi on a vm and explore for targets it finds nothing. What am I doing wrong?
  2. i have already done that but because the network card is usb plugged into my pc vm thinks its an ethernet cable on parrot and kali i need them both to see it as a wifi card
  3. so i have tryed alot of that and i still can not get it to work is there any way that we could do like a skype call and we can talk and i can show you my screen
  4. what im trying to do here is get the network card to read in the vm to use airgeddon
  5. file:///C:/Users/Skyler's Gaming PC/Pictures/Screenshots/Screenshot (4).png
  6. hey guys so any time i try to use my usb wifi network card in the vm on parrot or kali they both wont connect to it. what am i doing wrong here? thank you all for your help in advance
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