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Posts posted by numb3rs80

  1. I once wrote a java script text flooder that sent 1000's of texts to a phone number so bad it jammed the entire OS and rendered it useless. You could send something like 'give me a raise and stop slaving me or the great flood continues, begin to gather animals'., something along those lines. My wife's reaction was priceless too. The script prompted for carrier, phone number, and how much to loop.


    I was surprised the carrier didnt block the flood.

  2. On 7/20/2017 at 11:58 AM, digip said:

    There was an episode of Hak5 that covered USB and ADB attacks against phones with a Y cable connected to other phones or a HID dongle used to type out the attack. The phone is either not vulnerable to the attack you tried, or, you did something wrong. As for my complaint, it is you who stated that is was NOT your phone, which we don't want to know about nor be involved with. You're responsible for what you do with what you learn, don't post about illicit things you do here. Knowledge is not a crime. What you're doing may be.

    Thats the exact episode that came to mind for me too. Leave you phone behind get owned. I thought the victim had to have ADB enabled as well or be rooted. I could be wrong. I wonder if thats still working?

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