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Everything posted by Jasper

  1. Jasper

    Evil Portals

    Can anyone tell me how I can upload images for a portal to a folder on the nano? I'm using W10. Thanks in advance! EDIT: So I managed to upload the files using FileZilla, but the next problem is: Devices that connect to my PineApple can see the evil portal, but it doesn't show the images. It looks like it can't access the images.
  2. Thank you. Hopefully the new firmware update will be released soon!
  3. Hello guys, I'm using my NANO for a while now and everything worked fine. However, since today Recon isn't working properly anymore. When I scan the area using Recon, I can only scan with 'AP Only'. When I scan 'AP & Client' it's stuck at 100%, no AP's and clients are showed. I've used many options, like 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute and so on. Continuous scanning doesn't work too. I've got no modules are running, PineAP is switched off and no clients are connected. What's wrong here?
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