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Everything posted by Peyo

  1. RT @Adam_K_Levin: Does Your Airline Really Understand Data Security? https://t.co/yy2HAoh1ed

  2. Mike Portnoy: 'Name That Tune' on Hello Kitty Drum Kit https://t.co/lt6FlJ8cv6 vía @YouTube

  3. I've been tested those commands on a Win7: opening a admin command prompt with powershell, resizing (the mod string), selecting "move" and moving down with down arrow key, and works like a charm. Maybe the prior commands are the trouble in the full sequence. Are you sure the sequence is executed correctly? It means, is really saving (Control+S), typing the filename (C:\...) and closing the file (ALT+F4) before opening the command prompt? For example, if the save dialog is not showing at time (1.05 secs in your case), the rest of the commands are pointless. Anyway, if you "move down" the cmd window, is not necessary the resize function ;)
  4. Para el aficionado al #lockpicking, aquí están los planos para imprimir en 3D las llaves de candados TSA https://t.co/Jmu8DtVYvh

  5. Creating a Culture of Information Security http://t.co/64T9mDmJcy

  6. ALT Y command is used when a modal dialog appears and you want to select a button with a shortcut with the letter Y. In this case, the script is trying to select the "Yes" option. That order only works on Windows with english as primary language (for example, in spanish the combination is "ALT S"). To avoid language dependence, I recommend you to use "LEFTARROW+ENTER", assuming any admin order has the option "No" pre selected, on a scheme where the order is "YES - NO" Before going on, I suggest you to understand the script, trying to reproduce line by line. There is no sense in send a payload that you don't understand (i.e., if you have a disk partition, why you need to create a file when simply you can execute from the ducky drive?)
  7. Vulnerabilidades 0-day, detalles de su presente y futuro muy bien explicado [EN] http://t.co/fZMjl5vbht via @mrseb cc @jlueiza

  8. GitHub expande su 2FA con FIDO https://t.co/q6XwlHD64Q

  9. RT @edwrodrig: Piedras por sólo $890. Aproveche! http://t.co/pBkfvct1Sc

  10. Para todos los que livianamente quieren que "vuelvan los militares", traten de leer el TL de @PresaEstadio

  11. USB Rubber Ducky Project Wiki - midnitesnake USB Rubber Ducky Project Wiki - hak5darren
  12. RT @haveibeenpwned: New breach: 2.3M email addresses from the Patreon breach. 12% were already in @haveibeenpwned http://t.co/U0QyHZxP6k

  13. Back to the Future - Doc Brown Saves The World - Teaser https://t.co/dVZkwrZNhI / @jsdiaz_

  14. Assuming Windows as OS Target, Twin Duck Firmware (with SD labeled as "DUCKY") ,and the HTML page on the root of SD as "page.html": DELAY 1000 GUI R DELAY 100 STRING cmd DELAY 100 ENTER DELAY 150 STRING for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %A in ('echo list volume ^| diskpart ^| findstr "DUCKY"') do (set DUCKYdrive=%A:) ENTER STRING "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" %DUCKYdrive%\page.html & exit ENTER DELAY 1000 F11 Remember adjust the delay time to work properly on the target machine.
  15. RT @difamadores: Indignante! Por dejar pasar vehículos durante el terremoto, @autopista57 le descontará dinero de su sueldo. https://t.co/J…

  16. RT @CSIRTGOB: Estado de las telecomunicaciones tras sismo en zona centro-norte - http://t.co/g5tkkNxhxM

  17. RT @NorseCorp: Travel apps riddled with security flaws http://t.co/qrVBDWCTn2

  18. Saltando la pantalla de bloqueo en Android 5.X https://t.co/LRPT7y1zTO

  19. RT @jmonreal: Que onda con mi conexión a Internet @AyudaMovistarCL @MovistarChile aún no arreglan nada y no me han contactado. Abuso! @SERN

  20. RT @jmonreal: Que onda con mi conexión Internet Hogar @AyudaMovistarCL ? No he tenido conexión desde las 6pm?

  21. RT @SpotifyChile: ¡Ya está aquí un nuevo episodio de #MetalTalks, edición @Slayer​! Dale play ahora. - http://t.co/SQ5TWatkPA http://t.co/V…

  22. RT @latercera: Fin del mito: Super Mario 3 era una obra de teatro http://t.co/ZmZ3uAo09I http://t.co/t2K5JL3hz8

  23. Esta imagen https://t.co/qgHoWnueLZ tiene mimikatz x64 desde el byte 9343 (créditos a @subtee)

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