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Everything posted by BadUSBDude

  1. The ducky should hit the windows key like a human but he doesnt do it. Thats the problem. Windows key without a other just like : windows r dont work. I read the documentation twice. Thats my fix, but i want to put the sting in win 7, wenn you push windows key you can also write commands. DELAY 2500 WINDOWS r STRING cmd /K echo hello world DELAY 100 ENTER
  2. Hello , ich have this script: DELAY 2500 WINDOWS STRING cmd /K echo hello world DELAY 100 ENTER My problem is that the WINDOWS command do nothing(with the GUI command i have the same problem). Can anybody help ? thx ;)
  3. Hello , ich have this script: DELAY 2500 WINDOWS STRING cmd /K echo hello world DELAY 100 ENTER My problem is that the WINDOWS command do nothing(with the GUI command i have the same problem). Can anybody help ? thx ;)
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