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Everything posted by saaj7735

  1. @Cooper, Thanks for the tip, I'm still havimg trouble understanding what to do next here so I think its time I take a step back and regroup. I'm going to spend some time looking at the videos from pentestacademy. I think its my lack of understanding of shellcoding/exploit writing that is causing me some issues here. I've only taken a CEH class from the infosec institute which mainly focused on basics of hacking and using Metasploit. If something in those videos jump out at me and I solve my issue I will let you know.
  2. @Ksecurity, I know this is an old post but I'm exactly where you were when you made your original post. I aware of what a sigsegv and segfault are however I lack sufficient knowledge to modify the exploits to suit the RHL 9 VM. I've gathered quite a bit of information to use for privilege escalation to no avail. Any hints you could give in the right direction would be awesome.
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