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Status Updates posted by Smart-Aswood

  1. RT @fanaticalscribe: This makes me crack up every time I see it. http://t.co/BeAdjSIkJT

  2. RT @Adam14: Michelle Pfeiffer?Yeah I'd pfuck her.HahahahahI'm so pfunny

  3. Trainers hate him. Trainers need to fucking lighten up.

  4. RT @TheExpanseTV: Merry Christmas from out there in The Expanse of our Solar System! Who thinks Santa has presents for the Belters? http://…

  5. RT @kenners: @Fishbooom I can just imagine a sane person in the Fox backroom joking about this, and some zealot nutbag scrambling out of th…

  6. Thought I had the answer for powering an Arduino setup, but Arduino doesn't draw enough ma and Jackery Giant 12000 automatically shuts off.

  7. The What It Is Killer is active in America. He or She kills, in macabre fashion, anyone who employs the phrase, "It is what it is."

  8. I think Limor Fried is good for America. Fascinating person. http://t.co/zN2foM37ff

  9. http://t.co/yCnPofsj3g Great. What happens when states consume 10-times the energy they produce? What happens to those economies?

  10. They'll exhibit a plastic rabbit that wouldn't sell in a dollar store and say it only took fourteen hours to make.

  11. Guy gets the economics of falling prices marginally correct. In other words, the obvious stuff. Everything else? Geology? Nope. Nope.

  12. RT @ThatsOurWaldo: “Visit Arrakis”More #Dune fan art in celebration of today's 30th anniversary: http://t.co/owBG7XyIjK #DavidLynch http:/…

  13. How about DOING something about climate change instead of just annoying everyone?

  14. Having to give myself a refresher course in C++. Did I ever learn this stuff? Did I just imagine using this in the late '90s?

  15. I wanted SO MUCH to disagree with her. http://t.co/SmJKklSoM6 I can't. She's right.

  16. I like Holly Hansen (and her band Zoo Animal) a lot. http://t.co/ifAIpDk5Ru

  17. We've made it so that our leaders will do absolutely anything to avoid a domestic terror attack. We've made that an easy bargain for them.

  18. General appearance of the bot I'm envisioning. Had to put it against a white background or you couldn't see it. http://t.co/QWsrG7kohK

  19. If I could disagree with Andrew Sullivan, I would. http://t.co/2uhpYyV7nQ Thing is, I can't disagree with him on this.

  20. Coolest thing about my bot is that you'll have to look close to even see it. The sticks in this stick man are about 1/8th inch in diameter.

  21. I'm building un robot. Had an idea that wouldn't let me put it aside.

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