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Status Updates posted by abhartiya

  1. @Mr_R0w07 Negative. Don’t think we are hiring infosec interns at least for now.

  2. @MukulikaK Got it. Thanks!

  3. @MukulikaK Have you guys thought about starting a Argo Slack channel for questions/feedback?

  4. @NahamSec @vhssunny1 @nullcon @goa lmao, please ignore my question :/

  5. @ngalongc Good job! I’m curious to know the number of hours you spent on a daily basis to find these? Also, did you… https://t.co/PCG6ySsHsE

  6. @nipungupta @Jhaddix @Bugcrowd @nullcon Lets plan to be there next year!

  7. @phwd @ITSecurityguard LOL

  8. @prathikgadde @conikeec Dang it! I just bought a Sonos home theater system

  9. @punitsoni ive been a very happy paid customer of @1Password. Highly recommend it. They also have a history of not being vulnerable

  10. @Random_Robbie sort -u xyz.txt

  11. @sethvargo @ahmetb +1 for Netlify. They are awesomesauce!

  12. @StegoPax I will take a look at it..it should work. I am traveling right now so will be a tad bit late following up

  13. @StegoPax So, please try now with abhartiya/tools_gitallsecrets:v4. The orgOnly flag should work!

  14. @taviso Have you looked at 1Password yet?

  15. @twitt3raccnt @michielprins @jobertabma Ah, okay. So, its not me still dreaming about Vegas. Thanks!

  16. @twittersecurity @twitter https://t.co/BCSDqYdMYW and https://t.co/IETdhbww7H seem to be the same person who is abusive. Can you check plz?

  17. @Uday_infosec https://t.co/D22HFX15bV

  18. #gitallsecrets is now updated to scan your private repositories as well using the SSH key + you can also scan team… https://t.co/W5zy8Dfxge

  19. A Framework for Automated Security Testing that is Scaleable and Asynchronous built on Microservices - https://t.co/fi1JacW1yJ #infosec

  20. Anybody have any experience setting up internet on Wifi Pineapple MK5 with Kali (as a VM) on a Macbook? #kalilinux

  21. Blogged! How to deploy a multi-AZ Vault cluster w/ S3 as storage backend using Terraform - https://t.co/TMJst6PceG… https://t.co/OoJZav0Pnl

  22. Blogged!! Dockerizing the LAIR Framework - https://t.co/WRZqlnQAi3 @_tomsteele #docker #lair #infosec

  23. Brilliant article on benefits of doing a #SCR (Source Code Review) - http://t.co/FRXmK8r2z1 … by @3SLabs #appsec #swsec

  24. Brilliant post on CORS by @TrustedSec https://t.co/Yjf2R2dm1K #infosec #bugbounty

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