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  1. Sam, thank you for the reply. I did a bunch of reading and some testing with routing and ip tables. In the end, I believe I made a correct change that I'm unaware of, or had a fail moment when i first started. My goal was to use a laptop connected to wlan0 and talk to devices through a switch on eth0/br-lan. I am able to do this if my laptop is connected to the pinapple but is in the same netmask as the target device. This means that i cannont communicate to the pineapple directly, and have to manually set my IP, but that is to be expected. I believe my initial problem was my VM config on the laptop. As it stands now, host is dhcp, connected to pineapple. VM( with commercial software) has a static ip in the range of target device Wlan1 is client to another wifi for internet I can capture all traffic, both host and vm have internet access, and the vm is able to communicate with target. Im not sure if this is usefull to anyone, but I thought I'd follow
  2. Hey guys, Ive got a MKIV and I'd say I'm very new with linux. I want to connect through my pineapple's Wlan0/1 and access devices on br-lans network. Normally this would be fine but the subnet masks for all the devices on br-lan are My understanding is that those devices ignore traffic if its not within the same subnet. I want to connect to industrial hardware with br-lan through a switch. There has to be something I'm missing. Thanks in advance.
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