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  1. that is the point; is there a way to install something "flash-safe" and how to recognize something like that ?
  2. Hey, I just read an article that the nsa stops shippments which contain network equipment to install spyware. This german article (http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/NSA-manipuliert-per-Post-versandte-US-Netzwerktechnik-2187858.html) is speaking of cisco routers, but I guess, that a wifipineapple is a nice target too. So since my wifipineapple has been shipped (internationally) I wonder if there is a way to make sure that there is nothing on my pineaplle that isn`t supposed to be there. Is there a way to install something flash-proof on a pineapple ?? Thanks in advance.
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