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  1. Thanks you so much, this worked great. Just one question: do you think I could modify this code so that it performs the function on every single file in my directory full of xml files? I have a huge number, so it is impractical to modify the code each time. Also: if I were to use this command python xmlparse.py >> myfile.txt would that work, to put all of the outputs in one single plaintext file?
  2. Thanks so much, this works great. Just one question: would there be a way to have this output the plaintext to a file? I have enough files in enough folders that adding the adjusting the xml of each one manually and then putting the stylesheet in each folder manually is impractical.
  3. @overwraith, the language really doesn't matter to me, so whatever you're comfortable with. I just need to get the xml file to the plaintext file.
  4. Hi guys, I need help parsing a document (dialogue from the Die Hard!) Right now, it is in this XML format: <s id="631"> <time id="T583S" value="00:58:08,840" /> <w id="631.1">Do</w> <w id="631.2">you</w> <w id="631.3">really</w> <w id="631.4">think</w> <w id="631.5">you</w> <w id="631.6">have</w> <w id="631.7">a</w> <w id="631.8">chance</w> <w id="631.9">against</w> <w id="631.10">us</w> <w id="631.11">,</w> <w id="631.12">Mr.</w> <w id="631.13">Cowboy</w> <w id="631.14">?</w> <time id="T583E" value="00:58:11,960" /> </s> <s id="632"> <time id="T584S" value="00:58:14,960" /> <w id="632.1">Yippee-</w> <w id="632.2">ki-</w> <w id="632.3">yay</w> <w id="632.4">,</w> <w id="632.5">motherfucker</w> <w id="632.6">.</w> <time id="T584E" value="00:58:17,000" /> </s> What I want, is for it to be parsed so that it turns each "id" block into only the text it contains, putting one "id" block onto one line each. For example, this text would become the exactly the following: Do you really think you have a chance against us Mr. Cowboy? Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker. How do I do this?
  5. Also, what would your favorite language be to program such and interface?
  6. I guess what I want is basically a large grid field, maybe green on black, and on that 3d objects, representing websites or servers. You could enter these, and see what's in the server. You could also zoom out and look for the biggest objects, and maybe they could be arranged based on their location in the actual world? So I guess a 3d web page/browser experience. But you could also see ftp servers, or databases. Would I need to write my own web crawler for that? Or could I use something established like Shodan or Google? I have access to the Shodan API thanks to an administrative mistake a couple months back. Thanks!
  7. Hi guys, Have you read the Neuromancer? If you have, you probably remember the graphical representation of cyberspace, a large field with 3d shapes representing institutions, DB's and websites. Kind of a 3d grid with shapes hovering over it. You could enter a shape to see the graphical representation of the website. Maybe even a representation like a city, with building hight symbolizing amount of data? I was wondering if such a thing exists in real life, and if it doesn't, how to create it. Thanks!
  8. So far, all I've found in Unity is some assets that let you associate 3d shapes with specific black and white tags. Do you know of anything specific?
  9. Thanks digip! I know such things do exist, my question is what software I can start to use to program my hud. Probably less complex, because there's nothing moving?
  10. So I checked out the Unity asset store, and it seems like the only ways to make HUDs have to do with associating things with objects in a game world, while I'm more interested in associating with objects in the real world, outside my window. Is there a way to do that?
  11. Ok, so the projecting on the actual window seems hard for now. What if I were to just have a webcam feed to a monitor, and add the "HUD" overlay to the image on a monitor? Less cool, but still pretty cool. Any tools for that you know of? (I'm talking designing the look of the HUD, as well as software to place the images in the right places, e.g. the right shaped blue outline over a building) Thanks!
  12. Hi all, super nerdy question alert: I just watched the latest avengers movie, and as usual, I came back thinking "It would be so cool to have one of those holographic interfaces or Ironman's HUD display." This time, having joined the community, I thought I'd ask. I've done some research and found some similar projects, like the meta project (https://www.getameta.com), which actually hired the dude who designed the actual hud and interfaces used in the movies. Unfortunately, buying the developer kit seems to cost a lot of money. So I think, why not build it myself? Should be possible with the right combination of tools, sweat and dedication right? But I have no idea how to. Basically, what I want is to design a HUD that will go on my office window, and do things like highlight streets relevant to a query, highlight buildings at addresses matching a query (we live on a hill, so my office has a nice view of everything), maybe project the location of stars at night, windspeed, that sort of cool thing. Does anyone know a) of any tools to design and execute the look and functionality of any of these elements and b) how to project the image i create onto the (large) window? Thanks! *Any* help welcome!
  13. So you think that would be 10 mm on either side plus the plastic in the middle, or 5 mm on either side plus the plastic in the middle? His block looks more like 10.
  14. toughbunny

    USB fun

    I looked for firmware and found none of interest for my lexar model usb. I did find stuff about BadUSB(https://github.com/adamcaudill/Psychson) which looks fun but I have no idea how to implement it so any help would be nice (looks like its for a different model of usb?). Any ideas other than firmware? Thanks!
  15. So I made my yagi with the copper tape and perspex, and I'm now at the part where I need to create the driven element, the folded dipole. In the video, he uses a block of wood to measure the width of the dipole, but he doesn't say how thick it is. He just calls it "your block of wood." Does anyone know how wide the dipole should be? Does it even matter? Thanks!
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