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Posts posted by fugu

  1. i was looking at a Simtec Electronics USB thumb drive device called the Entropy Key, which is a device to generate random bytes at a very high rate, and I was thinking how easy in concept it would be to make one. Maybe an arduino, couple of zener diodes and you got something working. The trouble I've run into is I want to run this off of the +5V from the USB port and the zener diodes don't cascade that well at such a low voltage. It would be better to be at +14V and I might be able to swing it working at +12V which there is probably more parts for. Does anyone know of a boost converter IC that will take a 5V up to these voltages?

  2. the next time you see a problem, record as much info as you can, even if it's just saving from the browser its html source code in a text editor. Look at dns requests/responses, troute, even a ping might tell you a little bit. All else fails, look at a tcpdump of the interface.

  3. im not sure if this is inside the US, but if it is i'd also like to put out there that using an rf jammer is probably highly illegal. a big company could get sued if that got caught doing that, or fined by the FCC. I doubt they would risk losing money to jam cell phones.

  4. it also depends on how your doing you math, if you can avoid floats in ruby you can do things like this:

    ruby -e 'x=999999999999999; y=9999999999999999; b = x*x; puts b; puts b/x; c = y*y; puts c; puts c/y'
  5. if what you were doing was integer based, python should be able to do it without any additional libraries:

    python -c 'print (110000101010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 * 10)';

    it seems also that the upper limit for floats in python is ~1.79e+308 which might be enough for what your trying to do (at least it is on my system).

  6. My first thought's about this was, as you increase the voltage, the chance that you will get arcing in between the two leads will also increase. Dry air has a break down voltage of about 30kV/cm. If you boost the voltage too much the wires may short out and nothing will make it to the end target. idk if those wires are insulated or not, or how well the insulation can hold up under such high voltage. The wires probably hav ea maximum rating.

  7. Ok it was bugging me that I couldn't figure this out, but here is a jacked up way to do it:

    $ echo -ne "GET /file.txt HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.somfile.com\r\n\r\n" | nc www.somfile.com 80 | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\r\n\r\n/\x00/' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/[^\x00]*\x00//' > ./file.txt

    this "should" remove the headers, however as I've read, sed does not always allow the use of ; so on some systems this might not work


    There are projects like py2exe and pyinstaller that create stand alone executables from your python script by including all of the libs in the binary. It works pretty well.


    lol I downloaded py2exe just 1 week ago for the first time. Haven't had any time to play with it but looked neat.

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