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Everything posted by Blitzkriegqt

  1. @BigmoranDruid Back in my day Shane was a lowly warlock now he's faze poster boy smh

  2. I want to see big dogs like @ZOWIEbyBenQ step up and make a quality fighting stick now that were down @MadCatz

  3. @GodLikeZeph more like #cheddarbaybiscuits

  4. @trump_onlinux what kind of sick human are u

  5. @stergey @Smexxin I got u

  6. @LadyDevann @TeaseSpoon same

  7. *At dinner with a friend* Friend: "Oh who are you texting? ?" Me: "Oh. Uhhh, you wouldn't know him ??" https://t.co/NKsFRf8HtG

  8. Why are big streamers like Reynad and Reckful moving to LoL streams and people are dropping their HS players?

  9. Well that's it, they're all gone 8( https://t.co/SfU3Cpsx5d

  10. @ronin_AlexMyers based Alex

  11. Guy walks up to me at work while I have a straw in my mouth, I pull it out to speak to him, I spit drink everywhere, just kill me already ?

  12. Someone get this guy an agent. Holy cow. https://t.co/oyLJ5eaOOi

  13. The power of the #squad compels you @Trainwreckstv https://t.co/DIwbpGIu30

  14. @hotted89 @RPRossen holy shit Alan I thought you put these dark habits behind you. Calling poppychulo to confirm. Smh

  15. @SelflessRyu "And I Thought My Jokes Were Bad", I counter you with What's you're favorite Clint Mansell song?

  16. @shelbijhayes @NoMansSkyGame same

  17. @DUCKcsgo mad cuz bad :>

  18. RT @team_empire: CIS dota be like https://t.co/i7LbNb9wwg

  19. @BigmoranDruid HAHAHAHAHA OMG this is why I don't wear shit for makeup. You look like a completely different monster if it's off

  20. @Maldivawow oh my god

  21. @Boq_TV @MLG @FaZeClan @maikelele lol <3 maikelele

  22. @IGN I never knew you guys wrote about Pokemon tcg. So neat. I play tcg online.

  23. RT @esportslaw: TL;DR: evidence obtained through private hacking generally is admissible in US courts (civil and criminal). [4/4]

  24. @TheRyanBlough @PokemonGoApp we deserve to be master trainers #stopthehate

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