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Posts posted by JackChitt

  1. Thanx, i will be waiting for your video tutorial. Also have you ever tried Yagi Antenna with alfa AWUS036H? I think that alfa supports max of 9dbi antenna, will yagi work being 16-18dbi?

    Umm.. Who told you there was a limitation? Your yagi will work fine. I had one myself for a while. A yagi in an unidirectional antenna. It will pick up a wide spread of signals. The 24dbi grid I have is a directional antenna. It is used to holm in on an exact location from a distance. I have the 036H and 036NHA alfas and there is no limit on the antenna you connect it to as long as its a 2.4 band.

  2. @JackChitt Could you please share your Androrat setup with everyone?

    I will make a short video tutorial when I get my replacement Pineapple in the mail. Seeing as how I will have to set it up again myself. And as far as your antenna question goes, I see no reason why it shouldn't work as long as you have the correct adapters to connect it to your pineapple.

  3. i havent read all of this, but i had the same issues, in my situation it was due to the wired connection having alot of packet loss (still does) so i use wireless and it works fine sometimes its a long wait, refresh if it doesnt work after a while, test using ping -t (windows) stuff like that. hope it helps

    is ssh slow too?

    Yep, I have to keep it running for about a day when it done this last time. I didn't use it for a few days and same shit started again...

  4. In my expirience this seems the only way. Spoofing all traffic ( *) will not let the app connect to it's servers wich will lead the app to show a "No Internet Connection"(even if the pineapple IS connected). After that 80% of the victims will try to use their browsers to check the internet connection and there is where your phishing page will appear.

    First of all, Thanks guys for all your valuable input on this issue. I have been doing something similar to what KiatoGS has described but instead of directing them to a phishing page for one website, I have been redirecting them to a spoofed "Android Security Update" page where my server of AndroRat is downloaded. I have it set up in mobile format and if a standard browser opens it, they will be redirected to Google. I have been quiet successful doing this and haven't even crypted my server. I guess most people think they don't need an AV on their phone.. As far as the Metasploit/Armitage attack goes.. I attempted this and it was just too much of a hassle. I would rather have something I can automate. BUT my pineapple is acting up again, have to see about getting a replacement be for any more research can be done.. :(

  5. What is "deauth the app"... what does that mean? Do you want to deauth the device that is connected to your pineapple? Or do you want to block a specific program? You keep mixing those terms and I understand their use differently with regards to the Pineapple....

    You must read the quote above my post to understand... I am not talking about de-authenticating a client from a wireless network. I am trying to sign a user out of an android app.

  6. You're using SMA antennas? Or are you using the SMA to rp-sma adapters?

    And what do you mean by android apps? Do you mean block specific hardware like Android phones/Tablets? Not really sure what you mean...

    Yes I am using a N to SMA adapter. Okay let me explain myself a little better. Most all android apps keeps the user authenticated unless the user restarts the phone or kills the app via app manager. So even if the user connects to my network I will never see there creds no matter how much they use the app. I am asking if there is a way I can de-authenticate android apps so when it is reopened it will either ask for their info to log in or will authenticate like the app was freshly started.

  7. I was being lazy yesterday and wanted to play with my pineapple but didn't feel like going anywhere. I have a pretty extensive wireless set up for my home that consist of a pair of 24dbi grid antennas for my own personal internet requirements. So I thought, "I wonder what would happen if I connected my pineapple's broadcasting end to it along with an amplifier I bought years ago to try to extend my wireless cards range." (epic fail) So I set everything up for data collection, kicked on karma and let her rip. I got a little side tracked watching tv and playing xbox. About a hour and a half later I decided to check it out, not expecting much.. I had 23 clients connected and I'm collecting all their credentials!! Best of all, it's mostly people I know and neighbors. I am still running it as I type this thread. The most clients I have seen at one time was 56. I don't live in a big city or anything but I am most satisfied with my results so far. I do have one problem though.. I would like to either block internet to android apps or find a way to de-authenticate them before they can be used when first connected to my network. Any ideas??

  8. Here is a report from Firefox:

    [00:14:46.695] Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element '-webkit-scrollbar'. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. @

    [00:14:46.695] Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element '-webkit-scrollbar-track'. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. @

    [00:14:46.695] Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element '-webkit-scrollbar-thumb'. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. @

    [00:14:46.708] SyntaxError: missing } after function body @

    [00:14:46.709] The character encoding of the HTML document was not declared. The document will render with garbled text in some browser configurations if the document contains characters from outside the US-ASCII range. The character encoding of the page must be declared in the document or in the transfer protocol. @

    [00:14:46.718] Unknown property 'box-sizing'. Declaration dropped. @

    [00:14:46.720] ReferenceError: init is not defined @

  9. As I said, follow my directions. If you can hit the page, pineapple works - browser just won't execute the JS. No idea why without seeing it properly.

    It would not load this page. Logged in or out "". It wouldn't work on Kali linux, nor a VM with a fresh install of Windows 7 64 connecting via wireless. If there is any screen shots or tools you would like me to run and send a report, I will be more than happy to do so. I did uninstall Bitdefender and had the same results. I also tried it on a friends laptop and my gfs tablet and 2 other PCs I own. I am really thinking it is an issue with the pineapple but I am open to any resolution given before I start the return/ exchange process.

  10. The only thing the 3 Pcs have in common that I have tried it on is the AV. Bitdefender interferes with every other program I run so i'm going to uninstall it and try again. If that fails, I will try linux. If that fails, I'm boxing the damn thing up and sending it back. I have been happy with my MK3 for some time now and I will continue being happy with it.

  11. No script is off and allows globally. I tried it on Chrome, IE, Firefox and 2 other PCs before posting this. Even killed Ad Block Plus before attempting to log in. All dp switched are up and sd card is still inserted. Don't know if that would affect anything if I removed it. Is it possible my device is defective? The green led is lit and the blue one is too but flashing every so often. Nothing like the boot up flash. I did catch this when logging in with the developers console active.

    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input

    Uncaught ReferenceError: init is not defined

    GET http://www.superfish.com/ws/sf_main.jsp?dlsource=wxpifdx&CTID=cool3_pirate&userId=Mjg0NjVDQzgtMUQwQi00QT

  12. Very weird. Could be the firmware on the sd card is corrupt. Try downloading the latest firmware from here https://wifipineapple.com/?downloads and the flashing instruction here: https://wifipineapple.com/?flashing

    Hope that helps....


    Thanks for your reply but that is the steps I have already taken. Tried 2 different versions of the sd firmware just to be sure the that the newest firmware wasn't corrupt by download. I make it all the way past the led pattern for successful upgrade and past setting my password. BUT when I Log in I have no options except the log out button.

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