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Posts posted by echosrcool

  1. Give me a little bit more info. What is your gateway, service provide, phone model? Make sure you are using a gmail account with ONLY standard password authentication!

    i don't know what two step verification is or how to check it. but my gateway is txt.att.com and the service is AT&T.. and the phone model is a blackjack.

  2. you know that dnsspoof is for HTTP only and not for HTTPS, right?

    i didn't know that. but i'm less worried about getting the DNS spoofing to work now that i have SSLstrip working nicely. though, it exits itself sometimes and the infusion doesn't work.. but other than that, it works pretty well. maybe the infusion just needs swap. so i'm going to fix that now... but now, tbh, with sslstrip and tcpdump, the only thing i'd use dnsspoof for is rickrolling everyone.. heh just have to read the tutorial about deauth attacks so i can make everyone join my pineapple :3

  3. @Nekrose483

    -Update to 3.0 if you are not allready (there are some "issues" reported about the last version of the pineapples firmware but i am sure they will be fixed)

    -Run the latest Pineppple's Bar update

    -Make sure your USB drive is formated like the one in this tutorial: https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/25882-how-to-enable-usb-mass-storage-with-swap-partition/ (in order to run sslstrip you need both, storage and swap)

    -Sslstrip infusion should be good to go

    ok.. so.. it's already on 3.0.0 and the pineapple bar is already updated.

    i'll reformat my drive with swap though

    For DNS spoof try using: *facebook.com*/*

    Make sure is your dns server on your lease.

    alright. i'll try that.. but idk what you mean by lease.. do i edit the dchp config?

  4. so, i managed to fix the SSL strip problem by installing it manually. that's a releif... but still not sure how to fix the DNSspoof

    and, new problem.. its running out of room. and i've deleted several infusions (sslstrip and everything is on the usb..) but the main pineapple is running out of room still.. where are some places i can check for stuff to delete?

    sslstrip is running wonderfully though :3

  5. ok, there's couple of bugs here that i get.

    1 - dhcp gives clinet on wlan0 (karma'd or not) two dns servers, first is 172*1 as it should be, but second is opendns address(222.something). so i had to edit dhcpd conf file in /etc/something dir to edit out the free dns. otherwise client still can/may reach freedns address and resolve the proper ip, bypassing the dnsspoof.

    2 - for the love of all good things, i cannot get main traffic sslstriped with just some sites redirected to 'captive' pages on the pineapple. it either does only spoof but not passes all other traffic, or sslstrip works but spoofed sites are not being redirected to, OR pineapple reboots 1min into the experiment (ext usb powered hub, 12v into pine). i think we need some iptables magic from gurus.


    here's the guide i found for SSLStrip.. but still, i can't install it from the infusion.

    and also, i'm a total n00b when it comes to editing scripts. do you mind being more clear on what to edit?

  6. hello. i have two problems..

    one, i downloaded the infusions like nmap and sslstrip.. but they aren't installing. i formatted a USB drive to ext4 and it reads the drive.. but it wont install anything from the infusions.

    two, DNSspoof doesn't seem to work

    this is my spoof config facebook.com/* facebook.com m.facebook.com pineapplesareyummy.com
    yes, its on and working when i type in * but it doesn't seem to work otherwise. when i type in facebook.com it DOES NOT go to my spoof site. it goes to the actual facebook.com.. so i added other variations of it as you see now, and they don't work either.
  7. when i click install on an infusion, i'm getting percents like 114.3% and stuff that's over 100% which doesn't make sense. is there a way i can clear out the cache for that.. like just delete everything in the temp folder? rebooting didn't seem to work.. it still shows 114.3%.

  8. when ever i use winSCP it says it doesn't have ftp up.. i tried with ftp protocolls and scp protocolls and nothing worked. i'm trying to load phishing files into it.

    also, as an off topic question.. how can i find the IP of the pineapple while connected to wired internet.. i connected the pineapple directly to the eathernet port in the wall.. and joined the pineapple's network.. internet works fine but i can't seem to find the pineapple interface.

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