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Everything posted by Bolbol

  1. My daily stats: 3 new followers, 2 new unfollowers via http://t.co/cM8veL7o4B

  2. RT @ELD0DGE: إحساس إنك مبسوط لسبب محدش يعرفه غيرك ..إحساس فى حد ذاته يبسط

  3. RT @i0n1c: Sometimes I wonder how hard "No we are not doing it." is to understand.

  4. RT @BanatMasr: عزه الجرف حتبقي وزيره؟ كس أم دي ثوره

  5. RT @OmarAbdelkafy: سُبحااااان . من إذا عصينااااه ستر، وإذا تُبنا و رجعنا إليه غفر . .

  6. The timing of the decision is sometimes more important than the decision itself

  7. Most great things are simple.

  8. RT @KKAlThani: Don't worry about what others will say. Hug a stranger. Laugh really loud. Punch a baby. Ok maybe not the last one but you k…

  9. RT @Muath_tu: Smart and sophisticated till you like someone and suddenly you're a donkey.

  10. RT @AllanCresswell: Sup girl? You're pretty hot considering you're just a skeleton wrapped in meat. Wanna go out?

  11. كلة بيقلبي Schumacher اول ميطلع علي الدائري

  12. The lie that they all agreed upon. #storyofmylife

  13. We need some good memories people. That's the only thing that will be left for us.

  14. RT @alsha3rawy: الحمدلله حمداً كثيراً طيباً مباركاً فيه ، الحمدلله على عظيم نعمه علينا

  15. RT @alsha3rawy: اللهم اجعل جميع اعمالنا خالصة لوجهك الكريم - ياااارب

  16. النور يا علق يالي اسمك مرسي عايز اكمل بقيت الواجب

  17. RT @Anon_Central: We all need to calm down for a second. Chaos is everywhere.

  18. RT @AllanCresswell: There's someone out there for everyone, except you.

  19. So seriously, fuck this shit.

  20. Silence is way more better than bullshit

  21. RT @BBeyondMAGZ: Leap Motion Hack Lets You Drive a Boat With a Wave of Your Hand http://t.co/z7VcB32ETx

  22. "@AlMasryAlYoum: ‏#Sinai محافظ جنوب سيناء لوسائل الإعلام الأوكرانية: شرم الشيخ آمنة تمامًا http://t.co/oPQtuBuwDq‎" @KarimMahmoud_

  23. This is what syria became, because of a chair that won't get anyone anywhere !! http://t.co/025jttRaZR

  24. القلب في الشمال علشان عمرة مختار الناس الصح :)

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