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Everything posted by Vallandingman

  1. Sorry for taking so long to reply, thanks so much for responding though!
  2. My question is, how does the Rubber Ducky differ from a nromal flash drive other than the swappable SD card. Could you put the encodeer and firmware on a normal flash drive? What's the difference?
  3. Awesome, it worked!! I think it may have been something I was doing wrong with my -o command. Thank you so much again!
  4. I believe since you named yours 'encoder' is why it didn't work. I should place 'duckencode.jar' instead, right?
  5. Okay I changed the hello world text, changed the PS script to fit the drive (K:) My PS script was PS C:\> K: PS K:\> java -jar encoder.jar -i helloworld.txt I got an error that states, > Error: Unable to access jarfile encoder.jar
  6. Sorry this sort of confused me. Power shell is the command line application I'm using. Also, what is the flashing process I need to go through? Says I currently can't upload the text file, but here is what is in it.. REM Author: - REM Description: Hello World STRING Hello World ENTER Thanks so much for the input!
  7. I downloaded the firmware and placed it in the micro SD card(1G) along with the ducky encoder. Other than that, it's just my helloworld.txt file and the inject.bin that I created through MS powershell.
  8. Hey guys, I've gotten everything to work fine and I understand how the duck works. The only issue I have is that the only way I can get my payloads to run is when I click the button on the duck encoder. The program wont run just by plugging the duck in. Thoughts on how to fix this? Thanks!
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