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Posts posted by jcc10

  1. Make swap command is issued on the pineapple. Some issues in the past with thumb drives was some partition programs would create partitions in sda5 and sda6 instead of sda1 and sda2

    I GIVE UP I have just somehow broke a USB drive ( I don't know how...) it keeps on stating BAD DISK on one program and on Ubun I cant reformat it... If someone has a fix for me please tell me. I am done with this...

    Dev please come help.


  2. Well that did not work, I ran Ubuntu in a VM, and re-partitioned the USB drive, it refused to mkswap, it would accept the command then freeze the SSH connection, this is turning out to be really finicky so if a DEV would like to come on here I would really like to have some official input here.

    Really annoyed JCC10

    (PS: I have spent over 48 hours lurking the forums looking for fixes for this... still looking.)

  3. Dear Mr. Scanner.

    I am using a windows tool called mini tool partition wizard( Home Ed.), it formats in Ext4 and Linux swap partitions (among others)

    I did three tests if you would like to look at the results (Put in spoilers so I don't kill the page)

    Test 1:

    USB: Ext4 12.90GB ; Ext4 2.00GB

    config global automount
    option from_fstab 1
    option anon_mount 1
    config global autoswap
    option from_fstab 1
    option anon_swap 0
    config mount
    option target /usb
    option device /dev/sda1
    option fstype ext4
    option options rw,sync
    option enabled 1
    option enabled_fsck 0
    config swap
    option device /dev/sda2
    option enabled 1
    USB on
    WPS flashes
    Power & lan on
    Power on ; wps & USB usage(On usb) flashes

    Test 2:

    USB: Unallocated/No Partition 14.91GB
    config global automount
    option from_fstab 1
    option anon_mount 1
    config global autoswap
    option from_fstab 1
    option anon_swap 0
    config mount
    option target /usb
    option device /dev/sda1
    option fstype ext4
    option options rw,sync
    option enabled 1
    option enabled_fsck 0
    config swap
    option device /dev/sda2
    option enabled 0
    FUNCTIONS NORMALY (Cant do a swap though)

    Test 3:

    USB: Ext4 (2kb block); Ext4 (2kb block)

    config global automount
    option from_fstab 1
    option anon_mount 1
    config global autoswap
    option from_fstab 1
    option anon_swap 0
    config mount
    option target /usb
    option device /dev/sda1
    option fstype ext4
    option options rw,sync
    option enabled 1
    option enabled_fsck 0
    config swap
    option device /dev/sda2
    option enabled 1
    Wont show up, then after a reboot it goes into flashy light mode.

    Now if you notice I am getting it to run, if it partitions it, tomorrow (Friday) I am going to attempt to run Linux to solve this...

    Be Back Soon


  4. have you issued the "mkswap /dev/sda2" cmd in the advanced tab?

    Well Dear sir/madam I would really like to do that but cant due to the pineapple rebooting when I insert the USB drive, I have attempted to partition it in quite a few ways one of them having a Linux swap partition when I insert it, It has yet to run proper.

  5. Now let me start off and say this might be user error, if so you may want to update the the wiki.

    • Hardware Version: Mark IV
    • Firmware Version: See Below
    • What the problem is. In detail: See Below
    • If it is repeatable: Yes (Plug one of the listed USB's in)
    • Any error messages or helpful log output: See References
    • What is running on the pineapple at the time of the bug: Differs
    • Any fixes you have discovered: Downgrading firmware has helped some.

    Now on to the issue:

    Something that has just happened to me is I got a USB drive and set it up with a SWAP partition a data partition Etc. When I plug it in the device will ether reboot, or not recognise the entire drive, forcing me to reboot, when it does reboot the WPS light just flashes and the power light is on, other than that it is a brick, you can power-cycle it (after removing the USB drive) and it returns to normal operating status, I have no Idea why it is doing this but it is getting annoying quickly. Now what some have done is downgrade the firmware, if I know of a firmware that works for a usb drive I will list it neat to the drive.

    List of dirves:


    Google drive so I can make it look nice

    I have no others to list, but there are others, please tell me what one you have and please (if you can) give wattage/voltage incase that may be the problem, if a mod wants to take control of the document PM me.



    http://forums.hak5.o..._hl__+usb +port

    I will try to edit this when I find out more...

  6. Who wants to openly admit you have a skill or would like to have a skill when your society is just going to look at you as if you were some evil television like mastermind who steals identities and breaks into heavily secured gov't systems in mere minutes! LOL I admit that is a bit of over-dramatizing but you get my point.

    well your not over-dramatizing, Except about the part about the mere minutes... But that is the public conception, It seems that this is what is happening:


  7. Just a wild guess here, but maybe the reason somewhere like China has so many talented "hackers" is because they have an excellent education system who's students nearly always rank #1 in the world regardless of the subject, not because they send their kids to some weird cyber defense summer camp.

    I did not post this for political debates, this is simply a nice way of getting a scholarship to (some) collages for doing hacking of all things, at the meting the person from the FBI asked my mother if I would be interested at a payed internship when I am old enough, so this may help a lot of young (and not as young) hackers in getting jobs.

  8. I am just posting the video, if some one else has citations that would be great! Also updated OP to add a link to the hacker challenge.

    Who's to say they don't have them?

    What do you mean we have "them" you mean a thousand world class hackers?

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