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Status Updates posted by atblakely

  1. ++++++++++[>++++++++++>+++++.+.>. #bf

  2. Using a 120GB USB harddrive to install BackTrack5 R2 onto my laptop cause I have no DVDs and cant find flash drive... #lol

  3. Looking into using @Hadoop and @nodejs together.

  4. A drill and hacksaw later. It's mounted. http://t.co/ufNwhq01

  5. Screws, WHY MUST YOU STRIP?

  6. Building an IP Camera using a Linksys WRT54G, arduino, servos, and 1.3MP webcam. Should be interesting. Might add IR LEDs and focus servo.

  7. hmm.. It's possible to add USB ports to a Linksys WRT54G, pretty easily. I might try this. Got to determine if it could stream MJPEG.

  8. Working on a composite video library for Arduino. https://t.co/IoC1xV4D #arduino #tv

  9. I could provide some timing functions though. Hmm. Going to write code now.

  10. An oscilloscope would be handy about now... I might could attach the transmitter's TX line to an RX line on the arduino and see what I get.

  11. I just unlocked the "Newbie" badge on @foursquare for checking in for the first time! http://t.co/t43fjCvZ

  12. http://t.co/ELjmBqpm Hi. I am me. Idgaf what you think. gtfo.

  13. My heart and prayers go to the victims and families that were affected by the #theatershooting. Such evil in the world is horrible.

  14. $5000 sounds good about now. :P

  15. Its 9 o'clock on a Saturday... The regular crowd shuffles in. There's an old man sitting next to me, making love to his tonic and gin.

  16. Really need to check the comments on @cruzrrnetwork blog more often.

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