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Everything posted by rootX60

  1. still asking people help I am trying to get a position. in the entertainment field in IT I hope people out there have connection I would re…

  2. rootX60

    reaver pro

    I have just gotten the reaver pro and I am trying plop bootloader. I am having issues with virtualbox as when I boot the vm it freezes and nothing happens has anyone come across this?
  3. any recruiters that handle IT for the entertainment studio industry please contact me I would like to know if any positions are available

  4. still asking people help regarding recruiters that handle the entertainment business please let me know I am looking for recruiters that de…

  5. still looking for a recruiter that works for the entertainment business in IT please let me know if anyone knows someone

  6. still looking for recruiters that deal in the entertainment field looking for an IT position

  7. Pls retweet my @indeed resume, help me land my dream job - http://t.co/U8GRds81 #indeed #resume

  8. I am also available as an entry level security analyst

  9. still looking for positions in the entertainment field for IT please let me know

  10. looking for recruiters that deal with the entertainment business field foe IT

  11. I am having issues with the ubertooth I am going to place the error I am getting I am using Backtrack 5 R3 Traceback (most recent call last): File "./ubertooth-specan-ui", line 27, in <module> import usb.core ImportError: No module named core
  12. I am looking for a recruiter for Disney,NBC, or warner bros

  13. also I have family member that is looking for work in Murrieta in retail if anyone can help she has been out of work for 9 months

  14. Working on my blog check it out my first one

  15. still checking with people about recruitment for Disney or NBC universal or warner bros studios if anyone can help me with contacts

  16. Hello everyone I am interested in becoming a Pen Tester. I would like to actually know where to start and what I need to do to become a professional and make a career. Please let me know thanks
  17. rootX60


    I had an issue launching the conky
  18. rootX60


    do you know when you will be sending the information are you email me or posting
  19. rootX60


    sure can you send it to me or reply back to this thread
  20. I am a 12 year experienced Desktop Support Analyst. I am experienced in Apple, Windows and Linux. I am looking for a position In Los angele…

  21. this sucks at this new job the parking as I have tried many ways to fix this it seems that I have to pay for it to get home faster

  22. rootX60


    has anyone created a Hak5 conky script that people can check out
  23. rootX60


    I have an issue with airdrop-ng I have installed lorcon2 as prerequested dependencies but when I run the app I get this message oui.txt not found in /pentest/wireless/aircrack-ng/scripts/airdrop-ng/airdrop/support or ./support/ Please run python airdrop-ng -u I run the airdrop-u command it finds it but when I run my command again ./airdrop-ng -i mon0 -t /root/wifi-01.csv -r rules -b I get this error again oui.txt not found in /pentest/wireless/aircrack-ng/scripts/airdrop-ng/airdrop/support or ./support/ Please run python airdrop-ng -u If any one has seen this error and has a fix for it please let me know.\ I am running backtrack 5 R3
  24. I am getting the same issue when trying to load the module it tells me that it fails to load has anyone solved this issue or have some instructions on loading the modules correctly
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