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Posts posted by killuminati

  1. I have been able to reproduce this problem by conducting the following:

    1) Upgrade to the latest firmware with memory stick plugged in

    2) Install sslstrip to usb by the module only

    3) Enable usb logging

    4) Enable sslstrip

    5) Interface dead.

    The problems for me was:

    1) The upgrade corrupted my memory stick so sslstrip and the usb logging couldn't install. When you turn sslstrip on the iptables redirects you to nothing. I reformatted the corrupted usb.

    2) I have never had success with just installing sslstrip from the module. I always go to ssh and type:

    - opkg update

    - opkg install sslstrip --dest usb

    Not sure if you are having the same issue but i don't get why the module cant run these commands when it works fine from ssh? Perhaps its a timing problem of the module trying to install sslstrip before the opkg update has finished properly? A fail safe for this would be not allowing the sslstrip module to turn on if sslstrip is not installed. Chaos may have set his sslstrip module to autostart so it constantly redirect's him to nothing. Dnsspoofing also does not work when sslstrip is enabled, sslstrip must use some other form of dns lookup rather than checking the local pineapple.

    Im having the same exact issue as Isolot. Did anyone have a fix for this? Ive literally re-flashed like 3 times and finally narrowed it down to SSL strip not allowing me to access the web gui. Its literally as soon as I install logs to usb it goes all haywire.

    Manually upgraded firmware.

    installed to usb via ssh'ing into the pineapple.

    then that does not show it is installed in the pineapple bar section so I complete the installation by installing the module to usb.

    Even tried uninstalling sslstrip but that doesn't fix the problem. It seems that what ever the installation of SSLSTRIP does it changes a setting causing it to not work as it should.

    I just managed to get it working. Thanks to petertfm I found that going to the opkgmanager and firstly installing php4-mod-session followed by SSL strip and lastly going to the pineapple bar and installing the sslstrip module to USB. This seemed to fix the issue and all works as it should. Hope it helps anyone else out there! So glad its all fine :)

  2. Hey guys I've been reading the comments with all the happiness and success stories but I seem to be having issues with my modules after the upgrade. Am i the only one? Im throughly confused!

    Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in /www/pineapple/modules.php on line 92

    Warning: file_get_contents(http://wifipineapple.com/downloads.php?moduleList) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: Address family not supported by protocol in /www/pineapple/modules.php on line 92

    Module Version Author Description


    The thing is I am actually on a hotel network now which means I need to go through some sort of verication of a voucher no. Would that interfere with the pineapple making the connection? If it is something that simple ill pop out and get a connection somewhere nearby... thanks for the advice again guys!

  3. I made a new version of the site survey (see first post).

    As of now, new versions will only be released as a module which will be sent to Seb.

    Is your new site survey version the one we currently have installed view modules? I can see its different anyway.. Awesome job dude!

  4. I think what I gather from what he said is a SINGLE script which is able to pull off logins and passwords of sites what ever they may be. From what I know thats not possible since each site looks different and as a result has different code. Could you clarify? I too am looking into starting to create my own phishing files... Hoping to get quite proficient to the point it wont take me a matter of minutes to make one from what ever site I pick. =)

  5. Attached with a very short cable so there should not be that much loss there. Have to do some tests with my alfa card with the same antennas.

    Lol ive heard malaysian kids running sweat shops but making antenna's and cables is something new to me especially being from that country. Think I need to grab a flight home and have a word with these guys... hahaha Just bought a yogi antenna and been having the same kind of issue. To be fair havent played around with that much yet. But first plug in a picked up an extra 10 or so networks pointing it at a building and then actually less then what the stock mark IV antenna gives. Should be fun and many hours spent in the sun directing it.. =D

  6. Hi guys,

    i have created a nice little extension for the pineapple:)

    using the WPS button, you can select among 16 different scripts to execute, and run them without logging in to the device!

    a single tap

    on the WPS button will browse through the options, and will use the leds as indicators (it uses binary form, using 4 leds -- > 0101 means option no. 5)

    then a long press (more the 2 seconds)

    will execute the right script (and even play a nice led animation)

    to install, copy it to you pinapple, and run

    ./setWPS.sh enable

    check out the _settings.conf and _execute.sh to control some parameters, and insert the scripts you wish to execute

    tell me what you think! :)

    WPS selector

    Sounds sick! Checking this first thing when I wake up! ;D

  7. <HTML><Head><Title>NYAN CAT!!! </Title></Head> <Body>
    <img src="NYAN.gif" width="500" height="350"><br />
       <audio controls="controls" autoplay="true" loop="loop">
         <source src="/NYAN.mp3" type="audio/mp3" />

    Adding the loop="loop" will cause it to keep looping instead of playing just one. One thing I don't like is seeing the audio controls, but I haven't found a way to remove them. Also, have you tested this on Firefox? From what I've read firefox does not support mp3 in html5. Adding an ogg to the source list SHOULD let it work on all, but so far I have not gotten that to work (ubuntu).

    For fun, I made up a little script to randomly change all of the different rick rolls that have been posted (pbj, nyan, and rick).

    First move all of your stuff to USB, I made a folder called webfun. /usb/webfun/rick, pbj, and nyan

    Add a simlink to each folder from /www (ie /www/rick, /www/pbj, etc).

    Then create the following script (I put it in /root and called it random.sh)

    read RAND
    RAND=$(($RAND % 3))
    touch /www/index.html
    rm /www/index.html
    case $RAND in
      0) ln -s /usb/webfun/pbj/index.html /www/index.html
      1) ln -s /usb/webfun/nyan/index.html /www/index.html
      2) ln -s /usb/webfun/rick/index.html /www/index.html

    Be sure to chmod +x random.sh

    The reason for the touch is that I had an issue where somehow the index file was gone and the thing just liked to complain about it, so touch first to make sure it's there to delete.

    Then in your Jobs tab, add this line to your crontab:

    */5 * * * * dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=1 | hexdump -e '5/1 "%1d"' | /root/random.sh

    End result is that every 5 minutes it changes (randomly) which of the three ones shows up... just for a little added amusement.

    The part in crontab is what makes the random number, I couldn't find any other way to do random as the normal bash random feature isn't present... basically what it does is take one byte from urandom then turns it into a decimal number (0-255), the first few lines of random.sh use mod to bring that down to 0-2 (3 possibilities).

    Great setup man! Whats with the index file in the /www part of the pineapple. All 3 of the webfun files have their own index.html so I can only copy over 1 to the /www without having to overwrite it. Could you clarify in more detail? Or does your random.sh script basically delete it and swaps it over automatically after adding sym links? Thanks man.

    P.S It is possible to make sum links from 1 file to 3 other files right? I think I got an error saying file exists or something?

  8. Thank you so much guys! I flashed it and it was surprisingly easy. Had a few minor issues but it went through after I chose to run it as administrator and also fiddling around with how quickyl I plugged it into the machine after clicking go. Now on to my next and hopefully final questions before this thread is over! Im hoping its the first thread of its kind so others can use it when they come to a similar situation. ;p

    So basically got now a mark III 2.1.2 and mark IV 1.02. I plugged them in together and found from seb's github the wanport section. So I forwarded the iptables (see below) thinking thats what would set it up all proper. Bearing in mind when I do such things I basically dont have much knowledge of actually what this script does but I usually re-read throught the relevant threads and play around to see how it effects the pineapple.

    iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o wlan0 -s -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT

    iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

    iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE

    iptables save

    So long story short after doing said method. The two pineapples don't want to play nicely. It basically messes it up in the sense that I can no longer connect to the "pineapple" wifi and browse the internet. In fact I cant even browse to the page on the computer in which the ethernet cable is plugged in to. Tried SSH and thats a no go either. Shows connection refused.

    My common sense tells me that hooking up to pineapples with the same ip address wouldnt work. I mean if I plugged them in separately they would still both be on So could it be in simple terms that the computer doesnt know which to connect to (I.e the mark III or mark IV). So thats my first issue. Ive played around by executing ifconfig wlan0 down on the mark III, disabling all the options such as karma, dnsspoof etc... before plugging it into the mark IV. And what about Karma running on both? Not sure how that would work exactly. And since both of them were showing an internet wifi point of pineapple I changed one of the SSID's to distinguish which one was which.

    The mark III I left as pineapple

    The mark IV I changed to Wifi Gratis.

    So with all those issues of not being able to get to the main pineapple page and not being able to browse the internet etc... I disconnected the mark III and switched it off and the mark IV works as should again. login page comes up, wifi is browsable on the wifi it gives out.

    So could someone please shed some light as to how to go about it?

    1) Will I end up with both giving out there own wifi access points?

    2) Would both be browsable by people should they connect?

    3) Oh and lastly as for the point of one running karma and the other running deauth's. Should I see on the site survey page mon.wlan0 and another showing mon.wlan1. I mean when I plug them in separately they both show there in monitor so wouldnt having two hooked up together show 2 wlan's in monitor?

    4) Should I change one of their defualt address so I can log into them separately? How do I do that?

    Lol Sorry for the essay but just want to make it as easy possible for you guys to see whats up. Im sure its something basic too... ;D Heres my settings below. (Wish I could snap a picture but the file size is ridiculously tiny!)

    Kernel IP Routing Table

    Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface

    default UG 0 0 0 eth1

    default UG 0 0 0 br-lan * U 0 0 0 br-lan * U 0 0 0 eth1

    Site Survery

    Monitor interface: mon.wlan0 enabled | Stop

    WLAN interface: wlan0 enabled | Stop

    Shouldnt there be another interface showing for the mark III too?

  9. Hey guys!

    Been doing some trolling on the internet and im a little bit confused as to how to go about things. I have my new mark IV and went a bit crazy and bought a alfa AP 51 thinking that I could piggy back it and it could act as my second router to inject packets, airdrop-ng etc... Now I cant seem to get it placed into monitor mode in backtrack because it doesn't recognise it as its not a usb. So got a couple of questions before making future mods.

    1) Do I flash my AP51 with the mark 3 - 2.1.2 firmware making it "better".

    2) What are the benefits of piggy backing it to a mark IV?

    3) If the Mark IV supports injection in the "pineapple interface" why doesnt it show up the same in backtrack (I.e I do not see mon0.wlan). Do I need to set it in monitor mode in another way or do I need to install the driver/firmware (madwifi?).

    Any help would be appreciated! Starting to think maybe I should have bought another alfa which is USB based. I could always flash the AP51, sell it on and buy the alfa usb type. Looking forward to hearing some interesting options here! =D

    Cheers guys.

  10. Check on YouTube guys. There's loads of videos out there on how to create a phishing page and also there's great tuts on a guys page on YouTube called security4plus. He started me off as I was completely lost. Slowly things start to make sense and you can soon realise you can use your imagination to modding the pineapple to how you like. Hope it helps! And make sure u like that guys videos. He's been knocking new ones out constantly! :)

  11. Why can't it be uploaded? I replaced mine but made a back up and now I have the mark III interace with all the amazing goodness of urlsnarf, ngrep on the status page ui. I just edited the file where it said mark3 to Mark IV for a little personal touch ;D glad to know ur on/off button isn't working either. However when I connect to my pineapple wifi and log into a site it does show a java box but need to look into it more. I'm thinking it's running but theres an issue with the switch showing "on"? Question I have though for the guys at hak5 is why was the mark 3 interface replaced with the current mark IV? Was it a time issue or something? I quite like the old interface with the easy to read display of various items (I.e airmon-ng, urlsnarf, arp)

  12. Noob question (sorry!)

    Which monitor interface does it use, as there is the wlan.mon0 monitor interface, but isn't that used for karma.

    Does this also break karma, as when I try it, I can't get an AP ?

    I'm running 1.02, MKIV.

    BTW, I've tweaked my navbar.php to include site_survey.php as a menu option.

    Thanks again

    **Edit **

    killuminati just beat me to it :)

    Sorry for stealing your thunder... ;p Dont worry ill be asking you questions soon enough! lol

  13. Awesome addition Whistlemaster! Its great to have people like you contributing to the development! I added your mod to my mark IV and thought id contribute something I found myself. Bearing in mind I know this may come trivia to most but theres noobs on the forum who are close to clueless such as myself. So basically what ive done is ive added your mod to the navigation bar for easier access. Worked it out with a little common sense. But to be honest I was blown away at learning just how limitless this whole thing is and the ability to really configure your pineapple to how YOU want it. So guys heres my first 2 cents to this forum and I hope it helps someone out there.

    Using whistlemasters post I scp'd the files into the pineapple using a linux distro (mine was backtrack 5). I confirmed the files were there by using winscp tool. Withing the same /www folder I located the navbar.php file and clicked edit. From there I made a copy of one of the sections of code (You will see breaks in each section heading if you look back to the page. "I.e status, configuration etc..." from there I just looked for the php within your newly pasted code and edited to site_survey.php. A little down the code you will see another heading which you can rename to actually what ever you want but for easier names sake I labelled mine Site Survey.

    I saved the file and exited. I rebooted my pineapple but I think you dont need to and its already there automatically. And done! It was actually that easy... Ive done some screen shots below to show the sequence etc... I hope this helps some beginners out there and this is only just the beginning! I think once a basic grasp of how it "works" is obtained then the skies the limit really.

    Still want to learn how to configure individual sections like I saw in Darrens mark 3 episode from the baltic where he had a seperate section for ngrep etc... and also having more logs showing on the status page ui such as arp, urlsnarf etc... I know you guys are working hard at getting this done but im sure theres many of us out there leaning to towards learning the method to getting this done so we can implement it ourselves. Well im out for now! Its 1am and ive been on my mark iv for far too many hours! Again! lol Hope its not a re-post and happy hacking!

    post-39133-0-46399900-1332200677_thumb.p post-39133-0-25664800-1332200680_thumb.p post-39133-0-18461200-1332200683_thumb.p

  14. killuminati: Have you updated the firmware or made sure that you are on the 1.0.2? The 1.0 fw the they were originally shipped with had an issue with the firewall.

    Yup all updated! Mine came in 1.01 and I upgrade it to 1.0.2. It's funny because my mac crashed and restarted it. Clicked on the available wireless icon and for literally a split second I could see my old access points show and then gone. After the restart it seems I can't login into the control centre from my mac. Only way I can connect is changing the network to pineapple rather then my home network. Going to try to sort out airdrop and see if I can get the pass through working right.

    Here's my specs

    Osx lion 10.7.3

    Wifi sharing on from wifi to Ethernet

    Wifi settings using dhcp

    Ethernet settings ip



    I can connect to the control centre though from my VMware. Settings for that are : 1 network adapter set at NAT and added another set to bridged (Ethernet)

    Hope I didn't miss out anymore info. Thoroughly confused

    Thanks for the help dude. Not sure if I should hope I'm doing something wrong or if there's an actual issue here!

  15. You'll find it has already been done http://www.wifipineapple.com/doku.php

    Ohh I found that... Just found it to be not exactly NOOB friendly. In fairness I know most of that stuff is basic knowledge but coming from a hospitality background it takes me a while to wrap my head around coding etc...What I wish was that it would just have a mark iv section. I see all the packages etc... But how do I install them? I want to configure the ui to have urlsnarf showing the websites like darren showed the baltic episode of the pineapple mark III. Im certain these are basic things but it would really help speed up learning how to get the maximum out of the jasager. Been looking at your site too actually and see LOADS of stuff on there but again not sure how to work it. The jasper package you have there (Jasager package 2.1) can I install that on my mark iv? Does it improve it. Theres lots of information out there. It just seems scattered in the sense that I need to find the HOW to get certain things working the way I want.... Maybe I'm just messed up from sitting at my computer for hours at a time lol. ill get there eventually... :) Thanks for at least posting a reply man! Much appreciated!

  16. Im glad someone mentioned this cuz I actually was getting frustrated with this myself... Ive had my mark iv for about 3 days now and at one point I had it set up where it was showing up all my known access point connections from the past. Ive been fiddling around with it none stop being a complete noob and BOOM thats gone now. For quite a while I was only getting my karma logs to show passthroughs by connecting to the default pineapple network. Where as before It was showing people being connected to my pineapple through other "access points". Long story short I used the program lion cache cleaner and ran one of the default commands called "renew dhcp license" & "clean internet cache". Re-connected to the pineapple control centre and BAM saw the passthroughs working as they should. Got 1 guy who thinks he's connected to subway which is no where near my area... lol Soooooo I assume its working now. (More like praying... lol) When I connect to the pineapple network directly I can browse the internet so I guess I got it configured all right.

    Strange thing is what happened to all my previous networks showing? What I figured karma to be was that if I turned my phone and ipad off and turned it back on it would connect to my home network but actually pass through my pineapple. phfewww got lots more reading to do. Im on this thing ALL day and I'm recently unemployed LOL not good!

    Right I'm off to learn how to get ssh working, configuring the pineapple (Want the webui looking like darrens when he was showing off the mark III at the baltic bar). Best part is I bought a ubertooth one too. Yea I'm gonna be all kinds of messed up this next month(s).

    Anyone in London? ill trade beer and food for knowledge. Just thought id put that out there... ;p

  17. I am on Firmware 1.0.2 and I turn on URL snarf but I do not see the tab that shows me this task. Can someone tell me what is going on. Also I cannot find DNS spoof to edit pages

    Its exactly as blu3nowh3r3 said. I just got my Mark IV days ago and actually just registered today. Theres a wealth of information out there and a little effort needs to be put in to get things to work to the way you want... Trust me I'm just as lost as you... ;p Here comes many sleepless nights of trolling through info. **sigh** At the moment I'm even struggling just to get ssh to work! lol Right back to work.. Good luck man! Maybe in a few weeks/months I will be able to give advice... :)

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