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Status Updates posted by Brak710

  1. I bet the end of OCC will be Sr and Jr not even being related and it was just two random dudes arguing for 15 years.

  2. Soft-serve ice cream, the best ice cream.

  3. Not a fan of smelling like a camp fire...

  4. Already sick of cutting grass. Snow please.

  5. So glad diablo 3 came out after school ended. Now I just have to convince myself I still need to go outside.

  6. Got ambushed by two centipedes while in the kitchen. Pretty sure this is their house now. What a joke.

  7. LA is the real deal. The East is in serious trouble.

  8. Thanks to working outside and my sunglasses, I look like a reverse raccoon...

  9. Video games until 3:30am... yeeeeeeeah #winning

  10. Tortorella would be the most unreal Little League coach ever. They would either win the World Series or quit playing baseball forever.

  11. Making my first huge sale for Fringe-Networks shortly. Thankfully it's not enough to buy a Lamborghini, because if it was.......

  12. Haha Smith just did the most powerful slash by a goalie I have ever seen.

  13. The rate at which I catch myself typing the time I need to wake up into my calculator app is alarming. Risky business.

  14. 2 meals into the day, 2 cheeseburgers so far... Yeah buddy.

  15. Pretty sure I'm the only person in the world who doesn't use the iPhone smiley faces.

  16. The taste of the glue on card envelops might be the most underrated taste ever.

  17. Haha torts couldn't hold back the laughs

  18. dropped my phone on my face. Pretty sure there is blood everywhere

  19. . @BlitzburghBrian 's dad. "What the hell was that?!?"

  20. I have procrastinated cutting the grass for long enough.... /sigh

  21. "I want my burger plain, but with everything on it." ...yep, I'm sure you do.

  22. 3:15am is apparently the limit for being a wizard. After that, you're a nobody.

  23. The only good thing about the Rangers losing is that it means more games this year...

  24. The more it rains, the longer I can put off cutting the grass without getting yelled at. lolololol

  25. Thought the biggest spider ever was walking to me. Turns out it was a shadow. I'm glad my contacts aren't a complete crutch or anything...

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