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[[Template core/front/profile/profileHeader is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

Everything posted by skyn3t

  1. 00 00 2F 00 å 00 00 33 00 ö 00 00 34 00 ä 02 00 2F 00 Å 02 00 33 00 Ö etc The scan codes are the same on keyboards they are just interpreted differently depending on the language setting. It would be no problem mapping them like you map your ['; or {@: but I just figured there was no point.
  2. I've modified the encoder to work for swedish keyboard layout. Source can be found at; http://pastebin.com/ckD1jdEN It does not support native chars like ÅÄÖ but full ascii and control keys are tested and working afaik.
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