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Posts posted by hak5superfan

  1. OK, if the karma SSID and the non-karma SSID are the same here (yes I should have read the notes :-() here's my question:

    I edited the ssid in the wireless config non-karma mode editing window (named it FreeWifi,) clicked the "update wireless" and the SSID indeed changes in normal mode, after a reset. I then enabled Karma on the pineapple, and disabled my normal access point, (unsecured, SSID is homewifi) and set my phone to connect to "homewifi" which was in my wireless access point list. Yes, the phone connected to "homewifi" . As the pineapple was then the only access point in range, I know for sure Karma was working.

    However whatever SSID I enter into the box on the "change Karma SSID" field does not seem to do anything. I have tried connecting with an old iphone which has never seen the pineapple, it finds the SSID name entered in the "wireless config" editing window regardless.

    But Karma is working as any SSID I enter into a wireless config on any device will connect to the pineapple, regardless of the actual SSID.

    So what's the purpose of the "change karma SSID" button? If karma and the normal wireless SSID can be changed using the editing window and the SSID's are always the same, then the button seems unnecessary. Where or what config file is it supposed to change?


    Thank you very much this was what I was trying to say!

  2. The issue you are having is this:

    Your client machines which you use to check if the SSID changed still remembers the old one and is hesitant to change.

    What I recommend you doing is that you take a client which hasn't even seen the original SSID. Change the SSID and then check enable wifi on that client.

    You will see, the ssid changed.



    Thank you very much for your response Seb! I just want to know why back in version 1.9 I could change the Karma SSID and all the clients would detect the new SSID instantly, while in this new version the client remembers the old SSID and is hesitant to change? Thanks!

    BTW, Seb I just tried what you told me, I took one of my laptops and boot it up with an ubuntu live cd and when I search for networks it detects the NON-KARMA SSID instead of the new SSID. Before booting up the live cd, I turned on my pineapple, stated Karma and used the provided box to change the Karma SSID. I really don't know whats happening :S may it be a hardware issue?

  3. I am having a problem changing the Karma SSID through the GUI. When I start Karma, I try to change the SSI using the provided box under the configuration menu but this is not always successful. Changing the SSID using this method only works like 1 out of 6 times. I have also noticed that if I change the SSID sometimes it changes instantly, and other times it take like 20 minutes to finally change. I don't know whats going on. I just want to know if this is happening to someone else or just me. I also want to know if there is a more efficient way of changing the Karma SSID. I have tried this with 3 laptops and one iPhone. I am using a Mark III and Firmware version 2.0.1. Thank you very much guys!

    BTW, changing the Karma SSID used to work fine on Firmware version 1.9

  4. did you get 2.0 working?

    Nope, I think Karma works in some way because my iPhone detects the open network I manually made for testing purposes even though it does not automatically connect to it, but the SSID before and after starting Karma is pineapple and I have not been able to change that. I did not test the Deauth part but I have noticed that Airmon-ng is enabled by default and there is no way of stopping it. I also had a weird glitch with the Reboot button. I clicked Restore to factory defaults and it said that changes would be made after Rebooting. I clicked then the Reboot button but the pineapple froze and never came back up. I had to unplug it a plug it back in. The last thing I have noticed is that nothing appears under Association Log even when I connect manually to the open network I have saved on my iPhone. This used to work for me on v1.9. I know Seb will fix this soon... hopefully. I flashed back to v1.9 to make it work properly again :)

    I'm using the AP51

  5. Ok I dont know about you guys but now I cant change my Karma SSID through the GUI :'(

    Before activating Karma the SSID is pineapple, after activating Karma the SSID is also pineapple. I have tried changing the SSID before starting Karma using the Change Karma SSID box, it says that is has changed successfully but when I activate Karma, the SSID is still pineapple. I have also tried changing the SSID after starting Karma and it would not change.

  6. FWIW, I decided to use a 12 v 25mm fan. Its a bit noisy on 12v however still works OK at 5 v. Of course in a noisy environment, who cares?

    There was not enough room to mount the fan fully inside the case because of the heatsink, so I cut a hole in the top

    cover the same size of the outside of the fan. Epoxy on the inside and white silicone to secure the fan. I could have mounted the fan entirely on the top, that would have been easier but the full height of the fan would stick out.

    I attached the power leads to the solder pads on the barrel plug jack on the pcb.

    Awesome mod csystem! I have a couple of question... First of all what's the RF shield for? Could I just take it off completely or is it necessary? Second, supposing the RF shield is necessary, wouldn't opening a hole for the heatsink affect the RF shield's purpose? Third, what's the best way to remove the RF shield? Last but not least, did you noticed an improvement of the pineapple's temperature? Is it running a lot cooler or just a little bit? Thank you very much!

  7. This is a placeholder for the actual 2.0 firmware.

    New Features:

    [*]Deauth all clients from specific AP
    [*]Deauth specific client from specific AP
    -Karma Autostart
    [*]Enable karma start on boot
    [*]Disable karma start on boot
    Known bug: WifiLed will not turn on. Fix in 2.0.1
    -New Karma
    [*]SSID Black / White listing
    Known bugs: 
    -Can not change Karma SSID seperate from normal SSID
    -No seperate Karma config
    -No client B/W listing
    -Firmware version
    [*]Firmware and UI version displayed in about. 

    Please report any bugs you find in this thread.

    Awesome! I love you man! So when is 2.0 coming out? Today, tomorrow, next week? Thanks!

    I also had a question... Would there be a place where we could check the current firmware version?

  8. I was thinking of opening a hole where the Alfa on top of the router and putting a 12v 40x40 mm fan I have connected to the barrel plug input. Is there a 5v source inside the device?

    Also i dont know what would be better... Putting the fan blowing cold air into the device or extracting the hot air from the device.

  9. Its a little larger than what I used, you could cut it pretty easily with a hacksaw and file it smooth. Mine is a little larger than the chip itself. The only problem with a larger

    heat sink mounted directly to the chip is if you get careless and drop your router the shock will stress the solder points which were not designed for that much


    Mine is 22 x 22 x 8 mm. I actually made it from another heatsink, like the one in the auction. I would recommend **not** using the self adhesive tape on that one, best to clean the surface,

    and use the thermal epoxy. The tape requires too much pressure to "seat", you risk breaking a solder joint, the epoxy does not require much pressure to seat, and will fill in any small voids and provide better thermal transfer.

    Awesome! Thank you very much! I searched and I think these might be perfect fit http://www.ebay.com/itm/Evercool-RHS-02-RAM-Chip-Memory-Heatsink-8-Pack-/230609396447?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35b16422df :)

  10. I agree, the older fons and the newer OM1P/Ap51 use the same AR2315 system on chip wifi. They do run hot. The metal shield can be *carefully* pried off, it snaps in to a

    rectangular foot piece which is soldered to the board. You will find a small piece of foam tape, between the chip and the metal RF shield, about 1/16 inch thick which is supposed to conduct heat from the chip to the metal shield. Very poor design, but I suppose that's why they are inexpensive. The early foneras were worse, there was a foam tape between the chip and the RF shield and *another* foam tape between the RF shield and heatsink. But at least there was a heat sink.

    I made a heat sink (similar to the one on the early foneras) and used some Arctic Silver thermal epoxy to mount it directly on the chip. If you are *careful* you can cut an opening exactly the same size as your heatsink in the metal RF shield and snap the shield back into place.

    See attached photo. It still runs warm, I am thinking about adding a small 12v fan but that might be overkill.

    Hey csystem! How can I make or where can I buy a heat sink like the one you used in the picture? Thanks!

    Would this work? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lot-2-23-x-23-x-10mm-HEATSINK-Stick-On-FREE-S-H-/390377805481?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5ae45496a9

  11. Thank you guys for checking! I was just asking because I wanted to make sure that this was normal and that my Pineapple was not broken or something. I think that still most of the "common" people would fall for the "freeinternet" SSID lol only if they knew. I was thinking about all the people that have their home networks configured so the SSID is not broadcasted as a security measure. After all I remember the A+ states as a security measure to disable SSID broadcasting. Well this people are easy prey because they must have their internet connection configured so it will connect even if the SSID is not broadasted making them connect to one of our pineapples if we have karma activated lol. Anywas thank you guys for the wonderful work you are doing and happy new years!

  12. I think I may have found something here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc730957.aspx Correct me if I'm wrong.

    "Because the wireless networks are explicitly marked as broadcast or non-broadcast, wireless clients running Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 and Windows Vista, send only probe requests for non-broadcast wireless networks."

    This would make the Wifi Pineapple useless when targeting a Windows 7, Vista or Server 2008 PC.

  13. i also have the same issues plus mine over heats and shuts down after 1 1/2 hours


    Wow :S so you tested this with Windows 7 or Windows XP? I would test your problem with overheating on my unit as soon as I get a chance and post the results on your post. I would measure the temperatures every 20 mins. Thanks for replying! Does anyone else have the same problem???

  14. Ok guys, yesterday I tested the wifi pineapple with a Windows XP SP2 Laptop I have and the results were the same. If I create an open network and set it up so it automatically connects when available, the computer does not detect the network just created. On the other hand, if I set it up to connect even if the network is not broadcasting its name then in that case it detects the test network and connects to it. Is this normal??? The option to connect to a network even if its not broadcasting its name is not a default option so how come do we expect other people to connect to the wifi pineapple??? Am I the only one with this issue??? Thanks!

  15. Finally! The holidays are over, wifey is at work, and I have the day off. Please note that this is the first real script I've ever written, so I'm sure there is plenty of room for optimization and whatnot. Please share your opinions, as I'm anxious to learn more.

    Anyways, here is what it does in a nutshell:

    It starts up your internet-facing wlan0 and connects to it to your access point (in my case, my smartphones hotspot). Then it configures the internet connection sharing to the pineapple (basically it runs through wp3.sh with all default settings). THEN it will start wiresharking on eth0 and writes the output to the desktop. THEN it puts my alfa realtek usb card into monitor mode and begins airodumping all nearby access points. 20 seconds later it starts deauthing (via airdrop) everyone but my cellphone hotspot and my pineapple. One script to rule them all. And you can find it on my very crappy, but ad-free website, telot.org

    Enjoy friends!


    I will try it tonight! Thanks telot!

  16. After doing my first round of tests, I'm going to have to agree with you hak5superfan. There does seem to be an issue in a default setup of windows7 that prevents it from sending out probe requests for unsecured wifi spots UNLESS the user clicks on the box that says "Connect even if the network is not broadcasting its name (SSID)". This is very odd and VERY unfortunate. While win7 machines are not yet the average wifi device you see in airports/coffee shops, its still quite disconcerting to see that the latest and greatest flavor of the most popular PC operating system seems to be relatively immune to the pineapples "yes man" attacks. I should preface these statements with the fact I mentioned above, that my lenovo with the "Lenovo Connection Assistant" does work without clicking on that setting, as long as there are no remembered Secure wifi hotspots around (lenovo automatically places priority on security-ladden wifi over unsecured). Since most manufacturers do like lenovo and put their "value-add" bloatware onto their windows pc's and the majority of users do not uninstall it, I believe further testing is needed to rule out other PC manufacturers. Perhaps we can start a list of what devices are easily pineapple'd and which are not? Thanks for bringing this to my attention superfan - maybe the dev's can chime in and give their thoughts?


    Thank you for your reply telot! Yeah I have been trying all night and there is nothing I can do :S Today I will try with Windows XP Laptops to see if they would automatically connect to a saved open network. It would be nice if Darren, Mr-Protocol or Sebkinne could read this post and confirm the results we are getting. I just want to know if this is normal or my Wifi Pineapple is broken :S BTW, as I mentioned before, I have tested with an iPhone 4 and it would detect the open network saved but would not automatically connect. Please help!!! :) Thanks!

  17. No your pineapple is not broken. Are you starting your computers up from cold boot? Try that and see. The other thing is, do you have another wifi that they remember (such as your home network) that may have a stronger signal strength? Even if its not stronger they may connect to that automatically. That is why I'm testing a deauth script that will automatically use my alfa realtek card to deauth everyone around it besides the pineapple - which, on all 6 of my tests here this morning have been successful in bringing the folks to my pineapple. So even if they don't connect to your pineapple automatically, you might want to consider actively preventing them from connecting to others. This would be the most effective way to get people on the pineapple, and keep them there.


    Hey Telot!

    Well I have tried everything and I am having the same problem. First of all, my current firmware version is 1.9 and 2 of my computers are Windows 7 Home Premium and my third computer is Windows 7 Ultimate. I have tested the Pineapple starting my computers from cold boot to no success. I have deleted all the saved networks and only added an open network called test. When I create this network manually, if I only choose the option "Connect automatically when this network is in range", the computer would not detect or connect to the test network. The only network I am able to see is the internet network created by the Pineapple when Karma is activated. On the other hand if I choose also the option "Connect even if the network is not broadcasting its name (SSID)", then the computer in that case detects the test network and automatically connects to it. This happens for all my 3 laptops. What I don't understand is how am I supposed to get other people to connect automatically to my Wifi Pineapple if they don't have the "Connect even if the network is not broadcasting its name (SSID)" option selected. This option is not selected automatically when you join an open network in an airport or coffee shop. How does Darren get other people to connect automatically to his Pineapple in his videos? Am I the only one having this problem? Thanks guys!

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