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Posts posted by operat0r_001

  1. * "tutorial or a walk through place." Yes skiddie powers activate! Maybe once a month one of you could think of something somewhat original or hell take submissions on ideas for shows you have ton of users!

    * admit it could any of you do a weekly show with *original* content? I have a hard time thinking of new presentations myself so I can't bitch ..

    * Hak.5 is THE only VIDEO security podcast I know of that is any good/recent ..

  2. what are you trying to do in the end ? just network monitor ? I would start with NTOP also snort ..they even have ntop for windows its not free I dont think but ...

    Ill bet you snort/ntop on a router can do anything thos two apps can .. maybe even without custom pugins etc ..

    I would also check out NetworkMiner type of apps I know they have free ones out there to recompile pages etc ..

  3. * use ftp

    * use ftp with ssl

    * use http post

    * use https post

    * use https post with authentication

    * use https over altern port like 53 with auth

    * have your payload create a reverse shell to yer server

    * use pastebin.ca pastebin.com etc. . :)

  4. This is why I run my own sever ... I don't want some ass hat at my webhost to root my box .. got comcast .. only time I site is ever down is comcast. I once got hit by lightning and was out for like 3 days (lost cable modem ,router and 3 nics ) . One night somebody turned off my sever because it was loud and they were trying to sleep .. Other then that been dossed but I will take a doss over r00t any @#%^ing day :)

    hak5.org run a drop to my house ill host the forums for you

    if you have r00t you should do some of this along with snort


    let me know if you need help

  5. I lost this then found it on security shell so posting it here so I dont lose it.

    code to find admin accounts on a domain :0


    * domain admin

    * have unutils for windows installed ( just dump the exe's in \system32 )

    basically it dumps net view to a file then runs a VB script to check the administrators group on each machine !


    lam-O but finished ..
    http://rmccurdy.com/scripts/ find_localadmin.zip

  6. What do you mean "cuts down on noise"? All Browsers load pages in the same way so it wouldnt really make a difference.

    90% of my hits are from bots etc .. this is how I filter teh shitz out deal with it or just use windows lulz

    some how I got listed on stumbleupon.com http://www.stumbleupon.com/url/rmccurdy.co...s/.sexterms.txt after that file has been online for like 2 years ..

    as for the creepy comment. I also make balloon animals and origami ! Yes and Darren/snubsie know im creepy but I fixed his laptop so I pwn him :) wont be a phreknic this year tho ... FAIL

    also I am hijacking my own thread this now lulcatz thread


  7. I can never get to your site...

    * user agent :)

    %cat /data/.htaccess
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    RewriteRule ^.*$ - [F]

  8. I have not posted in a while " adblock was blocking the NEW POST image .. my bad .. "

    ADDED fix for clicking time in systray for windows grants everyone http://rmccurdy.com/scripts/allow_time_systray_windows.exe reference: http://blogs.msdn.com/aaron_margosis/archi.../11/371474.aspx

    basically it runs a reg patch as system:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    06/19/2009 - ADDED Scribd ripper script http://rmccurdy.com/scripts/scribd_ripper....varpdf=15730844 change the number to the document ID wala !


    included SWF with sound lolz





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