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Posts posted by slugman

  1. Hello.

    At work I am having a strange problem. At one of our sites we have 8 floors of staff.

    All users use the same dns and dhcp servers.

    The internet link is presented on the 2nd floor. And I have a bluecoat running as a proxy server. Which has been great.

    The internet link is fine 60 meg down 60 meg up.

    Users on the 5th floor are haveing issues conncting to certain sites like facebook.

    Other floors are fine.

    There are 10 gb uplinks from floors to the core. And all lan has been tested.

    Need to get this sorted been like this for a while.

    And auggestions would be great.

    Thanks in advance


  2. I have the mac book pro and have used mac ports and installed the famous air crack-ng suite.

    It compiles and installs fine.

    When i try and put me p2p0 interface in monitor mode it says there are no wireless tools found.

    I have had a look around on the net and i cannot see anything about this.

    I know that my Wireless Card supports monitor mode as a can run kismac and it put the card in monitor mode.

    Trying to run airodump does now work either.

    If anyone has successfully installed and used air crack-ng could you please provide some input.

    Kind regards


  3. Hello,

    I have 2 x cisco 3750G in a stacking configuration,

    I have practically no config on this stack only:

    #vlan 2

    #interface range gig 1/0/1 - 36 > switchport access vlan 2

    i keep getting the errors:

    6d21h: %CDP-4-NATIVE_VLAN_MISMATCH: Native VLAN mismatch discovered on GigabitEt hernet2/0/1 (1), with Switch GigabitEthernet1/0/1 (2).

    4d23h: %CDP-4-NATIVE_VLAN_MISMATCH: Native VLAN mismatch discovered on GigabitEt hernet2/0/1 (1), with Switch GigabitEthernet1/0/1 (2). (Switch-2)

    Any one help ?


  4. I've got a redhat box (5.2) with two NIC;s installed.

    I have it connected to a network. (its a private network ) this is on interface eth0

    on eth1 i have the network which has a nice internet connection. Deafault gateway =

    so eth0 =

    and eth1 =

    I want to be able to point a computer to use 128.172..101.33 (eth0) as a proxy on port 8080 or somthing.

    This server will have to NAT anything coming in on port 8080 on eth0 and redirect it out of eth1 interface so it can destin itself for the internet.

    I am a fairly seasoned linux user.

    Never been able to grasp IP tables though.

    Could someone please just post the commands so i can get this done.

    I would like some feedback too on documentation and stuff but i have some but its not sufficent.

    thanks in advance


  5. Here is a question..

    I want everyones opinion of what is there fav distro....

    I know mine ...

    Lets see what hak5 community likes !

    Dont say Windows, because it fails, and has done since windows 1 (



  6. Wondering if someone can help me.

    I'm taking on the CLP exam (certified Linux Professional) by Novell

    Its not the most popular exam so material is hard to find, (good/up to date)

    Like when i was doing my CCNA a accumilated about 30 gig of documentaion and picked what i wanted to read.

    Can anyone supply or point me in the right direction to some good videos and documentaion for this exam, any learning material will be great.

    Thanks in advance


  7. Have you checked the settings on the printer itself? Is there like a menu button on it?

    Edit: Try resetting the printer settings back to default, if you haven't tried it out yet.

    I have reset it and well its has not done a thing we have like 200 in this very building and they have no problems with this, (i mean they have problems with them but about other things, seriously these printers are the work printers i have ever used)

    Its a weird problem i know.

  8. I've have a problem with a printer, these are the worst printers ever, but its what the company bought.

    When a job is sent to it it will not print untill you hit accecpt locally on the printer,

    I know abit bizzar,

    Ive checked like all the setting, and its just not doing what i want.

    Any exsperience ot suggestions on this would be great. (Its been Bugging Me!)


  9. Use VMWare ESXi server, its free and alot better.

    You install it on the machine like Proxmox, but you log into it using a client, and you have awsome management tools.

    From the box you have a console screen basic setting can be set so you can log on the box.

    You can download virtual appliances to load on the the box as a virtual box.


    Just install you're own, i just it all the time, its also great to rigrate you physical system to virtual, (to go green ;/ or just for a back up:D)

    Seriously check it out i use it all the time.

    Work and at home.

    Its based on a Linux kernel, its really easy to install, the only drawback is the hardware support,

    Mainly produced for corporate servers. so IBM HP ect are supported.

    there is desktops that can run it.

    Check this link and you can see if you're hardware is supported of not.



  10. Can i just say, this is not my own design on security, this is what i have been asked to do, its done now.

    There is no way I would set things up like this.

    i have my own remote access methods.

    VNC through a SSH tunnel,

    Its easy and the best way,

    that for you help Infiltrator (document helped those man pages get abit of a hard read)


  11. I have got 3 PC's behind a LInux server NAT firewall, on a subnet,

    PC1 =

    PC2 =

    PC3 =

    All PC's need to send mail by SMTP direct to my ISP mail server.

    I need to RDP to PC 3 only from the Internet.

    I don't want any other access from outside.

    And Typical access inside the network between the PC's

    Can someone please help me with the commands i would use to do this, ive been looking at it for a while now and i haven't got anywhere.

    Thanks in advance. .

  12. If any one is doing there CCNA or any cisco exam, check cisco packet tracer.

    Its like GNS3 but you can confgure a range of Switches at command prompt and also has a range of routers to use.

    Not the full IOS is used but its well enought to pass you're CCNA.

    I used GNS3 now i dont bother.

    (doesent slow your PC either)

    Let me know what you think !

  13. Wondering if some-one can help me, I have a lot of videos that are in .wmv format.

    Its shit i want it on my phone I have not found any software that converts the videos well.

    Anyone got any suggestions for me?

    Thanks in advance.

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