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Posts posted by Morpheus

  1. can i get ESXi for free? how? link would be nice.

    I love virtualbox but that's only for playing and testing on my desktop i'm trying to face proxmox as something for serious work.

    And btw i got the proxmox setup with virtualmin on ubuntu 10.04 LTS working great now, i'm really happy with proxmox for a free alternative, i'm gonna keep testing and later on i'll surely take a look at vmware but for now i'm keeping the proxmox.

  2. @ Infiltrator - Vmware = paid = not an alternative to proxmox. keep reading.

    @ digip - You both said about the vmware but it's paid, i don't wanna keep paying for something i can and SHOULD do for free, vmware is nice i agree i've already used and i liked it a lot but in my case anything i can save better, i don't really care about the proxmox issues as long as i can deal with them.. eventually they'll fix it.. but i really don't want to pay more than i already have to if there is a free alternative, proxmox does all i need, virtualization, bridging, the hot migration stuff, clustering it's just what i needed, now that ubuntu server is working just fine all i've gotta do is wait till they release a newer version of proxmox

    Anyway thanks guys, oh and btw if there's another FREE alternative to proxmox that works even better let me know.

  3. I'm back guys and i've been doing some tests with proxmox lately with a couple of servers of mine, and now i realize how buggy proxmox really is, or maybe i just don't know how to do anything at all in it..

    The frist thing i noticed is that you can't upload big isos with the web interfece uploader feature, so you need to upload the isos manually with winscp to the /var/lib/vz/template/iso .. but it's no big deal right?

    But now i face another problem, i tried to install a centOS 6 VM using openvz and it won't let me select the iso i want to use in the installation.. it only sees those templates, ok then.. i tried to upload again the iso to the appliance templates and even if it's the netinstall iso (witch is pretty small) it just won't let me upload so i thought F that.. i'm going with KVM..

    Great.. it was easy and painless to install linux, just like my other windows VMs.. but now another problem the VM won't recognize the network (witch is a simple bridge, eth0 is connected to a switch and a clearOS gateway to that switch as well with DHCP service off.. as i said pretty simple bridge..) even though it knows there is a ethernet card there.. (i know that because it shows the vendor, i tried intel, virtio, realtek almost all of them..) and i just won't connect to my network no matter what i do, the local IP adress to that vm is, 10.1 for the gateway, netmask a 24.

    In the other hand the windows vm works PERFECTLY without any issues AT ALL, the only card that requires driver installation (at least the 2008 vm i tested) is the virtio card, but the realtek card will just be recognized without any manual driver installation, setup the ip adress and good to go..

    I tried to register in the proxmox website (so i could at least report a bug or something) but they didn't send the email for activation, so i can't browse their website..

    And you know what the worse thing is.. i've got people waiting for those VMs for days now and i just CAN'T GET IT TO WORK ¬¬

    Any help here would be deeply appreciated.

  4. If you are using cisco routers, you can achieve what digip stated above.


    No i barely use cisco, right now i don't even own any, i was thinking about buying a cisco N wifi router but that's just for home network no big deal, and for the servers i don't think i'd be speding more money to implement ipv6 with cisco, just wondering something, will there be some time where i will have to replace all my old routers or even my switches because of ipv6? i don't see the need to replace switches cause as far as i know ipv6 still uses the old OSI and Ehternet standards.. but maybe i'm wrong i never had the patience to dig deep enough on ipv6, the thing is i use always a pc as a router, besides wifi of couse, so there's no router acting as a gateway in any of my networks, there's only pfsense, clearos and those distros.. so all i need is a pc firewall and a switch.. that makes my life a lot easier for me..

    So, i won't be able to implement ipv6 for now as far as i can see and i will have to wait till some firewall distro makes it possible to make the 4to6 thing, i just wonder if there will be modems out there NATIVELY ipv6, because right now i'm charged to have my static ips, and it's not cheap btw.. but i still need them.

    Hope what i think is right.. cause that's how i see:

    Valid IP adresses provided by ISP's in ipv6 and internal network ipv4 or ipv6

    So you can't actually have a valid ipv4 adress any longer but you'll still be able to connect the old ipv4 devices as long as u have an ipv6 internal network

  5. To go native IPv6 your router needs to support it as well as the OS of the node using the protocol. What are you connecting to at the other end that requires IPv6 at your end?

    6to4 tunneling is just a way for IPv6 nodes to speak to each other over existing IPv4 networking.

    As far as security concerns, unless you are using Toredo or some other IPv6 setup that can see the outside world through IPv6, you should be fine from attacks. Personally I have Ipv6 disabled on everything I can configure it on except my Modem, which has no controls for me to mess with short of jtag hacks, its all set by the ISP.

    Linux based:


    Windows looks like its all automatic configurations (short of disabling the services and device drivers):


    isn't disabling ipv6 to ignore the fact?

    Will i have to wait till we run out of ipv4 to have more network compatibility and be able to setup everything properly? Cause really i don't know how ipv6 works with ipv4 networks, it just messes everything in my mind, that's why i wish there could be a more detailed explanation.. maybe as i mentioned a series of episodes of hak5

  6. Well the title says by itself.. i have a home network setup with pfsense, a static ipv4 and i'd like to have a ipv6 tunnel in my network so i could have ipv6 traffic as well as ipv4, the problem is i have NO IDEA what to do.. i have no idea how to setup or even how to start.. i know ipv6 works completely different than ipv4 and i'm concerned about it because it looks like every machine would be completely exposed to the web making the firewall pointless that way, if thare's no NAT going on in the network how is the firewall able to protect anyway?

    Well.. considering that we are running out of ipv4 i need to do something about it.. a couple of tutorials about ipv6 EASY ONES would be fully appreciated, and i also should mention that i use this network for hosting and i have a lot of servers behind this firewall so there's a whole bunch of ports being forwarded through pfsense.

    So what i'd like to have is just the same as i have with my ipv6 (i wish we would never run out of ipv4 i still hate the idea that i'll be forced to migrate everything like that..) and still be able to browse both, as u can see i have no idea what i'm doing about ipv6, when it comes to ipv6 it looks lime all i've learned in the past is gone, it feels like i'm a dumb newbie again


    Darren i think you should make a series of episodes about ipv6, starting from the beginning cause that's probably something we need to think about it right now and we are avoiding the fact that someday we'll have to deal with it.. sooner or later we'll end up having to.

  7. Correct if I am wrong, but an amplifier would just introduce more noise and decrease the signal strength, what if I added a high gain antenna, would that work better.

    You're right, i noticed a 2db antenna, i know the 5db would be a bottleneck but you can't put a 24db antenna on a rc remote car.. it's way too big no matter what.. so you really need to test it out, though i think you should try those ip cameras instead of the ones you intend to buy, they may not be as good, but surely easier to manage and a wireless interface outta the box..

  8. Hi Guys,

    I would like to know if there is a way to, increase the physical range for one of this wireless cameras.


    I am thinking on mounting a couple of those, on my RC remote control car and drive it around my neighborhood.

    Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you in advance

    "I am thinking on mounting a couple of those, on my RC remote control car and drive it around my neighborhood." Home Alone 3.

    It's a 2.4ghz camera, i think you can use a standard 1watt 2.4ghz amplifier and hook it up with higher gain antenna, 5db is fine for the remote car, otherwise you gonna have to dodge everything as you drive around...

  9. There's a lot of things you can do with an old computer:

    1. Build a nas server

    2. Run virtual machines

    3. Turn it into a media server

    4. Use it for penetration testing purposes.

    5. Build a firewall box.

    4. Use it for penetration testing purposes.

    hmmmmmmmmm... just kidding hahhaa.. Also a NAS with any other OS like windows xp or server 2003, i got an old celeron 900 and a pentium 3 1100 that i use as a server for storage, hook it up with a raid pci controller, pci gigabit enthernet and you're set!

    Also it's good to stream stuff that doesn't require any post processing, and one last thing torrents, uploads, downloads, "legal" only!

  10. No problems!! We'll keep on looking if I find something, will let you know.

    Not a bad laptop infiltrator, i love these gamers, now Stones i don't think you gonna need a badass gpu for software development and virtualization, so i think a core i7 mobile with 6gigs of ram will do just fine, i found one that would be nice for that in the brazilian ebay, the HP DV7-3180US, well but here's the thing it looks like you really want something portable and powerful, just keep one thing in mind battery won't last that long specially because you gonna be using the heck outta that cpu and probably in High Performance mode so try to get anything with at least 8 lithium ion cells, i know you want something kinda discreet but maybe a "frankenstein" laptop would suit you better, my point is try not to choose by it's look but for it's horse power instead, want something pretty get a mac pro or a sony vaio, want something badass? gamer laptops mostly will be the best choice.. Oh almost forgot.. also a portable battery pack like one energizer i've seen 18 amps (i don't remember where, just google for it) would give you a nice extra time without needing to hook up your laptop to an outlet, and one last thing just get a laptop if you REALLY need it, don't even think about using it at home because laptops are more expensive and for the home a nice server would do a lot more with a lot less cash, i'm just saying if i had to run like... say.. 25 vms at the same time i'd get a nice 3g connection instead of a nice laptop and just get a nice server and connection at home with a static ip, well it's up to you now.

  11. ok i found the way to add the user, i did it with python VBoxWebSrv.py adduser cobaia lamepassword.

    now it says XPCOM component "has no attribute 'infoVDSize" :S

    Well i'm gonna check out the phpVirtualBox, see if it's better, if someone could help me getting this up and running would be nice.

  12. The nice thing I like about the new Nvidia GTX 580 graphics cards, is that their power consumption its a lot less than the former generations. They new ones consume around 250 watts compared to 500 or 700 watts. So if you are planning on running crossfire or Sli a 850 or 900 watts power supply should be enough.

    Raid 0 is not a bad option at all, if you are a performance freak like me, but make sure you keep a backup of all your data, if you don't want to pocket money for the data recovery, which can be quite costly.

    Now you mentioned something i forgot, NEVER keep any important data in a raid0 array, just in case... If you don't fell like setting up a home server (you can easily get 8tb worth of space with 8 2tb drives in a Raid10 array) easy and cheap.. well cheap for 8tb... a server like an atom d510 will save you a lot of money and will work with almost no power consumption, i like to call the atoms the green server for that, just don't think about running any fancy stuff with if, go easy if you feel like running a couple of vms or something else that will need that ram and cpu horsepower you might consider getting a better server.. but that's all up to you...

    Great to know that nvidia is making their gpus greener.. it will save us from having a pc that uses like 1,5kw/h... (cause seriously.. try to run 4 GTX 480 in sli with a 850w PSU..)

  13. Parada dos viados, que isso cara!!!! To brincando!!!

    O Brasil e um paiz maravilho, mais o problem todo ta com o governo, em nao saber como administrar o pais. E uma pena morar num pais assim, doi muito no coracao e ter que ver muitas pessoas sofrendo sem motivos nenhum.

    Quando eu vou ao Brasil eu fico com muito medo de sair pras ruas, passo o tempo todo trancado na casa da minha tia. Agora aqui na Australia nao, tem nenhum desses problemas e outra, voce pode sair pelas ruas sem ter medo de ser assaltado. Trocando de assunto, como voce fala bem o Ingles, ja pensou em vim para Australia, aqui tem muitos Brasileiros e o que nao falta e outra, pessoas com qualificacoes na areas de Engenharia, Medicia e Enfermangem e o que mais tao precisando aqui.

    Eu termine ou Bachelerado aqui em Darwin e agora trabalho na area de Engenharia na Informatica.

    Back to English, I think Darren briefly did a segment on installing Smoothwall and Untangle, you might want to watch it, if you want to know more about it. I will see if I can find those episodes and will post them in here. In between, you may also find some vides on youtube.

    I don't think Darren is actually like EVER gonna see this thread :/ but that would be really nice.. but anything will be appreciated, cause i'm started watching season 7 (but lately i've downloaded a bunch of old episodes that i liked.. but surely i forgot these.. maybe i missed them or something.. if u find them post them here if you can..

  14. I also got a core i7...

    About the cpu don't waste your money with overclok, it's now worth it.... i got a old 920 witch is 2.66 running at 3.20ghz for a year now with my box cooler and it's 1000% stable.. i think that 970 could do even 4ghz or so.. who knows...

    Motherboard: Go with asus rampage III gene it's cheap and if you're not doing over 2 GPU crossfire or sli it's the same as the rampage III extreme...

    RAM: Corsair Dominator GT, get yourself 6GB if u're not doing anything that really needs lots of ram, otherwise get that 12GB and the air flow, best ram i ever used

    GPU: I like nvidia, i'd get 2 GTX 580, and top vs top nvidia is always the best about price i'm gonna about it in just a sec..

    PSU: i think 1200w will do just fine.. here in brazil it's kinda of expensive.. so i always do it in my way.. get 2 750w or 850w witch hellalot cheaper, get a 12v relay, black and green and use 2 psu instead of one, though i don't think you gonna need all of that to power up 2 GTX 580 if u actually wanted those.. maybe 4 of them would require a better psu.. i don't really know google about how many amps your GPU uses in the 12v rail..

    HardDrive: Cheap? Raid0 with 2 regular western caviar drives, Badass? raid0 with 2 ssds FTW =D

    The rest you can figure out.. Hope i didn't miss anything..

  15. Guys hahaha that's just the default IPB skin (i know cause i've installed a bunch of forums already..) that's probably why a bunch of the forums are using the same.. I'd recomend the Warrior Skin Set or the other one witch i forgot it's name right now.. but it looks like windows aero as well.. it's sooo much cooler than this solid ...


    If we're making a hak5 forum i think you guys should move on to the phpBB like trip mentioned.. "let's open source" this forum....

  16. I would be more than willing to help. Anything to stifle the spammers.

    Gosh i wish i could kill a bunch of spammers in the weekend.. after a night of love with the gf the best thing in the morning is to go out and hunt spammers... i mean it.. back in the day they were using my hotmail account (even though they don't have my password) to send spam like it was me... I JUST HATE SPAMMERS AAAAA =@

    "Spammer season is open!

    Rabbit Season

    Duck Season..

    Spammer Season FIRE

    (sorry couldn't resist)"

  17. Nao precisa traduzir nada, te entendo perfeitamente. Eu morei em Alagoas por 9 anos, agora to morando aqui na Australia.

    Eu gosto muito do Brasil, mais infelismente tive que mudar pra ca. As condicoes sao melhores, sem offensa nenhuma ao Brasil.

    Now going back to English, that's one of the reasons why I rather use Untangle over other Linux firewall distributions, it has Karpersky antivirus as a paid add-on.

    Realmente é uma pena, mais é a situação para a maioria de nós brasileiros uma terra magnifica porém muitos problemas com governo, má adminstraçao bom se voce ja viveu aqui sabe como é.. Do lado uma avenida paulista do outro uma favela... não dá pra sair de casa com o iphone que voce volta com 2 (os 2 que o bandido roubou e não gostou dai colocou no seu bolso...) pega um metro em são paulo que voce vai descobrir... Eu estou simplismente APANHANDO pra fazer meu datacenter aqui no brasil, mal mal consigo links de 100mega com 10 de upload (1 ip fixo e olhe lá...) é simplismente horrivel trabalhar por aqui... Até mesmo equipamentos que eu vejo em podcasts como o hak5, tekzilla etc é dificil achar por aqui muitos deles.. Eu também penso em sair daqui, gosto muito de Toronto (odeio calor, lugar perfeito) e pretendo começar o negocio aqui mais me mudar pra la no futuro, embora ultimamente com a guerra do rio de janeiro toda parece que finalmente alguns no governo acordaram pra realidade e aquela esperança de um país melhor voltou a aparecer.. mais sabe como é ne... Toronto é meu "xodó", mais como eu estimo a australia também.. um dos lugares que também moraria acho que ai já da pra voce sair com um iphone no bolso sem ser roubado e uma qualidade de vida bem melhor... comparar sydney com são paulo da pra rir BEM ALTO bom se precisar de alguma coisa ask away, PM me.. whatever ne...

    Back to english.. Moderator we're just talking about the last gay parade darren went to.. u know what never mind... Definitely gonna give untangle a try.. it looks amazing.. well thanks for everything guys and btw couldn't darren make an episode about all the firewall distros? well i'm just saying it would be really nice a comparison among them all...


    me 2 :D

    just finished the professional events

    ... half way through the expert

    and have done one extreme event

    60% complete so far :D

    GT5, After it, you'll never be the same.

    well.. have fun.. i wish i could play it :/ (gotta a LOT of work to do, i'm opening a datacenter company so yea.. no time for nothing and no fun too, it feels like i'm being punished for my lifetime mistakes...

    One thing though, after need for speed shift i noticed how inconvenient the keyboard is (and yea i'm the pc guy and i still don't own a ps3 [YET..]) so from now on i'm gonna be playing racing games only with a logitech racing wheel (g27 seems to be the winner for my next gaming purchase plus of course a couple of GTX 580 in sli and a ps3) though that's gonna take me some time because i got a lot to do right now.. but i can't wait to get my hands in the GT5..

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