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  1. "if you have any problems just drop me an email at kapowdude {at} gmail {dot} com" "http://kapowdude.googlepages.com/MAD1.zip" Hmm.. this guy's technique is no where to be found and his email account bounces. LOL, he is .... gone.... back to his secret black hacker hole.
  2. for the time being I've updated the wiki to include a Issues heading for DLSS's version
  3. I guess DLSS is using a newer version of that exe and it wasn't compressed... u think this is possible?
  4. Nice one VaKo! Yea.. I got fed up with Vista Beta or else I would have given it a go. Did anybody find out which Payloads get picked up by what AV/Security Systems? Can ppl with this info update the wiki please? Thanks a bunch.
  5. Is there a version of DLSS's technique floating around that doesn't get picked up by some/all AV programs? Or, can someone provide an updated version of DLSS's mailpv.exe?
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