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  1. First off, i'm new to the forums so let me start by saying hello!! Now, i've been messing with this stuff for awhile and have found that it doesnt matter if the .iso is in the same directory as the LPInstaller.exe -- in my case it will always go out to the sandisk site and pull the new .iso image. If i disable my network connection formatting of the device will not complete successfully. My next move will be setting up a webserver on my local machine and spoofing the sandisk site to trick it into pulling the modded .iso file. This was not my idea, all credit goes to Wesley McGrew: http://www.cse.msstate.edu/~rwm8/hackingU3/ He has done a ton of work related to the u3 drives, in fact i think he was the first to publicly disclose this info. His site also mentions that as long as the .iso and LPInstaller.exe file are in the same directory that there is no need to use the webserver trick. Has this happened to anyone else? I have a 1gig micro a.k.a switchblade. regards, straylight
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