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Everything posted by help

  1. help


    @Emptiness: idk how the pyload is configured (or built, I havent checked the .py files), but when I tried to run it from a random folder (on my D drive) it complained about the folder D:\logs\%pcname%%HOUR%-%MINUTES%\ that didn"t exist. I can only conclude that the pyload is made to be run only from the root of a drive (that's what sablefox said in his first post I believe). **if this aint right the rest of this part doesnt matter** What the U3 shit does is placing it somewhere else and making it run fromthere. If the only reason u guys want it to be U3 is to make it autorunnable, well fine, here's a solution: make a .BAT file that goes to the root of the drive and then runs the bex.exe (that is placed in the root of the drive) then make that bat into an .exe (bat to exe converter, google it) then convert the exe into an .u3p (PackageFactory, once again google it) then install the .u3p onto your u3 drive.... going to the root of the drive can be generally done in two ways: cd.. cd.. cd.. cd.. .......................................(you got the point I guess) cd.. or %~d0 if you got firefox password stealer problems, just get the newest version from their site....
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